UMRA has launched a new website

UMRA mission banner

After a year of planning and site development work by the UMRA web migration team, a new UMRA website launched in December. The redesign was necessitated by the U's move to a new web software version. The new design was informed by input from UMRA members and our web statistics. 

See all
UMRA events.

Several new features make their debut on the new site. We’ve made it easier for you to find all of the events that have been planned for the year on the new UMRA Calendar. Finding information written by topic is now possible with the list of category filters on the right column of the News page. Simply click on the topic of your choice to see all the articles written about that topic.

UMRA’s commitment to connecting, learning, and serving are stated on the new home page and exemplified in our Get Involved and Service & Outreach sections of the new site.

Prospective UMRA members will find a quick link at the top of the page to learn more about joining UMRA. A prominent link to the Volunteer Center is also featured in the top right corner of the page.

UMRA webmaster Cathy Lee Gierke gathered a group of long-standing members to facilitate this redesign and welcomed two new members, all of whom have contributed countless hours to make the new site a success. Contact Cathy at [email protected] with questions or for more information.

We're very excited about the new site and would appreciate your feedback. Please take 5 to 10 minutes to respond to our survey at

—Kathy Jensen

Web Migration Team
