Vote to approve amendments to the UMRA Bylaws

At the 2021 Annual Meeting of the University of Minnesota Retirees Association on May 25, all members will have an opportunity to vote on proposed amendments to the UMRA Bylaws. We first considered these changes in October 2020 by a poll emailed to UMRA members, and the changes were overwhelmingly approved. Accordingly, we posted those amended bylaws [UMRA Bylaws 11-2020] on our website. 

However, our bylaws require that bylaw amendments be voted on at a meeting of the members. In order to strictly comply with this requirement, we will conduct a vote on the changes at the Annual Meeting on May 25. There will be a single vote on all of the changes.   

You can review the Proposed May 2021 amended Bylaws on pages 1–5 of the PDF linked to this article (below). If you are interested in seeing the changes, pages 6–9 of the PDF are marked with those changes, plus corrections for typos and the addition of a phrase that got dropped in the making of the 11-2020 PDF.

The amendments were developed last summer by Frank Cerra, Jan Morlock, Jerry Rinehart, Chip Peterson, and Bill Donohue. Both the Executive Committee and the Board approved the changes and authorized us to submit the amended bylaws to the members of UMRA for adoption.

Thus, the proposed May 2021 amended Bylaws will be up for a vote at our 2021 Annual Meeting on May 25. The meeting will be conducted through Zoom. Please register and vote. If you have concerns or questions, please contact either of us by email.

—Frank Cerra, president, [email protected], or Bill Donohue, immediate past president, [email protected]

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