Welcome to UMRA's board, committees and groups

With the beginning of our new program year, UMRA welcomes new faces and continuing members to its board and to its growing list of committees and affinity groups.

Board of Directors, 2018–19
Members of UMRA’S board are elected to three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. All officers serve one-year terms; the secretary and treasurer may be reelected annually. The officers and members elected to new terms during UMRA’s May Annual Meeting are indicated in boldface.

Jerry Rinehart, president
Bill Donohue, president-elect
Lynn Anderson, secretary
Carl Adams, treasurer (continuing his service)
Chip Peterson, immediate past president

Vernon Cardwell
Frank Cerra
Will Craig
Cathy Lee Gierke
Judy Leahy Grimes
Cherie Hamilton
Jeanne Markell
Kathleen O’Brien
Claudia Parliament
Richard Poppele
Kaimay Yuen Terry
Gloria Williams

Much of UMRA’s work is conducted by standing committees whose members are appointed, technically by the president but in practice usually by their chairs. The current list of committees includes:
Communications and Outreach: Provides oversight and guidance to newsletter editorial team and website team and seeks to raise UMRA’s profile within the University. Chair: Claudia Parliament, [email protected]
Council of Past Presidents: Advises president and board upon request. Chair (immediate past president): Chip Peterson, [email protected]
Executive: Develops board agendas, coordinates work of committees, serves as short- and long-range planning committee. Consists of current elected officers and immediate past president. Chair (president): Jerry Rinehart, [email protected]
Luncheon: Handles logistics of luncheons. Co-chairs: Judy Leahy Grimes, [email protected], and Ben Zimmerman, [email protected]
Membership: Recruits new members, manages membership database and discount program. Chair: John Anderson, [email protected]
Nominating: Annually proposes officer and board candidates for election by members. Chair (immediate past president): Chip Peterson, [email protected]
PDGR: Oversees annual professional development grants for retirees, including publicity, selection, and fundraising. Chair: Richard “Dick” Poppele, [email protected]
Program: Recruits and supports speakers for monthly meetings. Chair (president-elect): Bill Donohue, [email protected] 
Social Activities: Arranges social events, tours, etc. on an irregular timetable. Chair: Cherie Hamilton, [email protected]
UMRA Cares: Provides support to spouses/partners and families grieving a death or coping with hospitalization or disability. Chair: Ron Anderson, [email protected] 
UMRA History: Compiles and organizes material for an annual UMRA contribution to the University Archives. Chair: Gloria Williams, [email protected] 
Workshop: Arranges living well workshops offered in conjunction with most monthly meetings.  Chair: Ron Matross, [email protected]

Affinity Groups
These are informal, self-governing subgroups, organized around a common interest. After board approval of their establishment, each group defines its own focus, activities, and leadership. At present they include:
Book Club: Meets monthly except December to discuss a book previously read by all, and to choose future readings. Contact: Pat Tollefson, [email protected]
Journal of Opinions, Ideas, and Essays (JOIE): Manages online journal ( to provide a digital venue for retirees (and others) to publish articles that do not fit easily into conventional academic journals. Editor and Chair: Bud Clawson, [email protected]
Photo Club: Meets monthly during the academic year, except December, to share photos, discuss various aspects of photography, and organize an occasional photo shoot. Co-chairs: Craig Swan, [email protected], and Sheri Goldsmith, [email protected]
Retiree Financial & Legal Issues Group: Meets 3–4 times a year, often with an expert facilitator. Coordinator: Andy Whitman, [email protected]
University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC): A separate organization that enjoys a cooperative arrangement with UMRA by announcing volunteer opportunities in the UMRA Newsletter and through overlap of members and volunteers. UMRA’s president-elect serves on the URVC board. Contact: [email protected] or 612-625-8016.

— Julie Medbery, UMRA Newsletter editorial team
