Welcome UMRA's new board

Members of our Board of Directors are elected to three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. All officers serve one-year terms; the previous year’s president-elect automatically becomes president; the secretary and treasurer may be reelected annually. 

Because of the cancellation of the in-person UMRA 2020 Annual Meeting in May (due to the pandemic), the election was held electronically.

New officers and members of the board elected to new terms are indicated in boldface

Frank Cerra, president
Jan Morlock, president-elect
Gary Engstrand, secretary
Gregory Hestness, treasurer
Bill Donohue, immediate past president 

Vernon Cardwell
Will Craig 
Cathy Lee Gierke 
Cherie Y. Hamilton
Eric Hockert
Ron Matross
Jan McCulloch 
Claudia Parliament
Chip Peterson*
Donna Peterson* 
Jerry Rinehart*
Barb Shiels
KaiMay Terry
Cathrine Wambach
Gloria Williams 

* Upon completion of his or her term as immediate past president, a former president may choose to serve up to three additional years on the Board, provided such an extension will not exceed the limit of two consecutive three-year terms.
