When getting around becomes difficult

You can still enjoy concerts—in your own living room. If you have given up your car, or if driving at night is a challenge, you can still enjoy School of Music (SOM) events via the Internet. Request email delivery of Ostinato, the School of Music electronic newsletter to receive information on upcoming SOM events. Many of the events are listed as live-streamed for your enjoyment at home.

From the School of Music: “The best quick link to lead people to SOM streaming concerts is We will, in the future, list all our streaming concerts there. We are working with our web designer on making this happen.”

You may need to check out computer requirements in advance, but if you are OK with that aspect, it is quite easy to make the connection with the events. Depending on your speakers, the sound may not be quite like “being there,” but that may be a trade-off you can live with to enjoy the performance.

— Earl Nolting, Cares Committee member
