2017-04 From the President: UMRA blooms with new members

From the President


2017-04: UMRA blooms with new members

UMRA blooms with new members

Well, spring has now arrived, and so have my tulips. Yes indeed, as I write this, it is only March, and the green leaves are peeking up about four inches. Every year, almost all of the previous year’s tulips return, but I always plant new ones in the fall just to make certain to guarantee lots of color in April. And just like my tulips, most of our UMRA members return year after year. This year we have 569 members, comprising 413 households, 257 singles, and 156 couples.

Current members receive a renewal notice from the UMRA Membership Committee each summer, followed up by a reminder if needed. But, like my new tulips, new members also need to be recruited each year.

UMRA Membership Committee members attend Human Resources pre-retirement meetings to recruit new members (see John Anderson’s report, below), but one of the most effective means of recruiting new members is YOU, a current member. Do you know anyone in your former department who will be retiring soon, or has already retired? Please give them a call and invite them to be your guest at one of our luncheons. Also, give them one of our UMRA recruitment brochures, which will be available at the April luncheon for your use. Or you may send an e-mail or call either me or John Anderson, [email protected], membership chair, with your contact’s name and address, and we will be happy to send them information about UMRA.

Keeping our current members and finding new members is how we can all help to build a strong social community and network for our University retirees. Happy Spring!

— Donna Peterson, President 2016–17 [email protected]