Volunteer Center

All Volunteer Center articles are collected here.

Volunteer Center: Connecting people to projects that really make a difference

Former President Jimmy Carter’s version of “retirement” was remarkable. What if all U of M retirees started the new year stepping up our efforts to make the world better?

Silver Gopher Service Corps logo

Volunteer spotlight | Giving back to the U in retirement

Counting her time as a student, Pat Jondahl has been affiliated with the University of Minnesota for nearly 50 years. When she retired in 2021, the self-described “people person” knew she needed to stay busy, and she wanted to stay connected to the U. 

Pat Jondahl with Goldie on the U of M Campus, v2

What’s Next for Voting?

Fifteen UMRA members recruited by the University Retirees Volunteer Center served as leaders of the small-group discussions held at a voting rights symposium co-hosted by the College of Liberal Arts and the Minnesota Humanities Center on September 13. The goal was to generate ideas for protecting voting rights, combating apathy and misinformation, and maximizing voting in all elections. 

Bob Danforth, center, leading discussion at What's Next for Voting? on 2024.09.13

Mike Austin puts his knowledge to good use as a volunteer

UMRA member Mike Austin is taking full advantage of his retirement to volunteer in a variety of activities, travel, and learn a new language. He says, “I have the time, I have the ability, and I get bored sitting around.”

Mike and Jessica Austin, hiking in Parque Nacional Cajas in Ecuador

URVC Leadership Council welcomes two new members

The University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) has welcomed two new members with valuable skills and experience to the URVC Leadership Council: Lynn Slifer and Jeanne Jacobson.

Lynn Slifer, cropped, April 2024

Spring volunteer opportunities in the community and on the Twin Cities campus

Working with Great River Greening, the Silver Gopher Service Corps is recruiting volunteers to photograph plants, insects, and critters and then crowdsource species identification with the iNaturalist app.

Silver Gopher Service Corps logo

Andy Phelan enjoys keeping his mind active during tax season

For the past six years, UMRA member Andrew “Andy” Phelan has been part of the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide team of volunteers that provides free tax assistance and preparation service to millions of taxpayers throughout the United States. 

Andy Phelan, URVC volunteer

Variety and flexibility suit him

UMRA member Scott Elton started volunteering with Habitat for Humanity eight years before he retired from the University in 2016. Photo by Dennis Chick.

Scott Elton, Habitat for Humanity volunteer. Photo by Dennis Chick.

Silver Gopher Service Corps by the numbers

UMRA members have logged nearly 200 hours of volunteer service to the University and broader community through the Silver Gopher Service Corps since its launch six months ago. 

Silver Gophers, 4 at Sneak Preview 2023-07-13. Photo Deanne Magnusson

Campus Sneak Preview Days

Sneak Preview Days have been happening at the University for many years. This year, adding 18 UMRA Silver Gopher Service Corps volunteers put a new twist on the welcome. Who better to provide a friendly greeting and lend a helping hand than those of us who have spent our careers at the University?

Silver Gopher Service Corps volunteers enjoyed welcoming prospective freshmen and their families participating in the 2023 Summer Sneak Preview Days on the U of M Twin Cities campus.

Silver Gophers volunteer to help children experiencing food insecurity

Nearly 20 members of UMRA’s Silver Gopher Service Corps met as a team in mid-April to pack food for school children facing food insecurity at home in Minnesota. The food-packing event, held at the Every Meal Volunteer Center in Roseville, was superbly organized. It felt “good to be involved in a worthy cause,” said Clif Ware, one of the volunteers.

Silver Gopher volunteers at Every Meal, 2023.04.20

Silver Gopher Service Corps steps up to help fill the Class of 2027

An enthusiastic group of stalwart retirees trudged through snow, ice, and wind to greet future students and their families on the University’s first-ever Newly Admitted Students Welcome Day, hosted by the Office of Admissions.

UMRA's Silver Gopher Service Corps made its debut for Newly Admitted Students Welcome Day on April 1, 2023.

Join the Silver Gopher Service Corps

Service to the University and community is a key element in UMRA’s mission, and our members have frequently asked about opportunities to team up with colleagues on activities. In response to these queries, UMRA’s new “Silver Gopher Service Corps” is making its debut in April.

Silver Gopher Service Corps logo

Finding purpose through volunteering

Of all her volunteer experiences, Jeanne Jacobson says she especially finds satisfaction in seeing students learn and come to belong to their communities.

Jeanne Jacobson

For Terry Smith, volunteering is both selfish and selfless

After 40 years at 3M, Terry Smith retired and put his science and language talents to work as a tutor. His volunteering also reflects his other passions: cooking, food availability, and food waste.

Terry Smith