2015-09 New Online Journal

UMRA supports new online journal project

The JOIE (Journal of Opinions, Ideas and Essays) project is moving ahead as an UMRA program. The JOIE committee is working steadily with our University Libraries colleagues toward the goal of bringing JOIE up and running, which is to say online, by early September.

As you may recall, JOIE will be a new, open access, electronic journal sponsored by the University of Minnesota Retirees Association and supported by the new University Libraries Publishing system. Its purpose is to provide a digital venue for a wide variety of articles submitted by retired or active faculty, staff, and civil service employees from the Twin Cities and coordinate campuses of the University. 

More information concerning the program and how to submit articles for publishing in the JOIE program will be forthcoming soon. If you have questions, contact me.

— John Howe, JOIE Editor
[email protected]
