All JOIE articles are collected here.

JOIE has videos!

The UMRA-sponsored Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays has added three videos to its online collection of original publications by UMRA members. 

Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays

Seeking editor-in-chief for JOIE

Leading the online Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays has been a labor of love for Kris Bettin. Alas, a change in family needs has necessitated her retirement. So, JOIE is seeking a new leader to join a savvy editorial committee of five and bring fresh ideas for continued development of the UMRA-sponsored journal.

JOIE banner

JOIE wants your opinions, ideas, and essays

If you have an article you’ve written, or would like to write, but haven’t found a place for publication, UMRA’s online Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays may be just the right place for you. 


Invitation to write about resilience

As retirees, we are all learning to adapt to a world that seems to change on a daily basis. So, the editorial committee of the Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays (JOIE) is inviting UMRA members to share their thoughts on resilience via a short essay.


You’re invited to share your stories of retirement

The open-access Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays, sponsored by UMRA, invites you to share some of your retirement experiences for an anthology to be published later this year. 


History of intercollegiate sports at the University

The newest article published by UMRA’s online, open-access Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays is a convoluted story with a dash of drama.

Northrop Field gates, c. 1906

Call for papers …

UMRA’s Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays is seeking authors to contribute interesting articles on most any subject.


Revival of JOIE

The past year saw the revival of the online Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays (JOIE), sponsored by UMRA. The open-access journal was established in 2013 as a venue for publishing articles written by members of the University community, both retired and employed.


JOIE of Writing

The Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays (JOIE), has seen a recent influx of new articles on a wide variety of topics.  With the addition of six articles, the number of papers downloaded for reading during the first seven months of 2021 was nearly 20% higher than during the same period one year previously.  Everyone associated with the University of Minnesota, both active and retired, qualifies as an author -- faculty, P & A employees, civil service/bargaining unit staff, and alumni.


JOIE is up and running

UMRA's Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays, newly relaunched, has published four articles so far in 2021.

Plumbago. Photo by Kris Bettin

Re-launching UMRA’s online, open-access journal

JOIE has great potential as a resource for scholars of all types to enjoy reading and/or writing that may be outside their professional spheres.


JOIE has a new editor

Kristine M. Bettin is the new editor-in-chief of UMRA’s online journal, JOIE. She was appointed by a unanimous vote of the UMRA Board.


Help wanted: JOIE editor

Did you know the Retirees Association has its own open access, electronic journal? It's called JOIE, and UMRA is looking for a qualified volunteer to become the new editor-in-chief.


Wanted: orphan articles and essays

Do you have a pet article you’ve written or would like to write but haven’t found a place for publication? The online Journal of Opinions, Ideas, and Essays is soliciting articles for its 2019 issue.


Looking to publish an idea or opinion? JOIE journal reaches worldwide audience.

UMRA is a co-sponsor with the University of Minnesota Libraries of the Journal of Opinions, Ideas and Essays (JOIE), the online journal that publishes a wide range of topics by authors from the University family of faculty, professional administrators, and retirees. Consider JOIE as an outlet for a pet project you have been thinking of publishing. 
