Annual PDGR grant competition opens October 15

What about that book you’ve wanted to finish or that project you’ve been meaning to get to but just lacked the wherewithall to get going? Well, applications for the 2019 Professional Development Grant for Retirees (PDGR) program open October 15, and you could be awarded up to $5,000 to advance your project.

All University retirees from all campuses who will be fully retired by July 1, 2019, are eligible for the program. Projects may range from scholarly research to artistic works, and expenses may include travel and per diem costs related to research trips and conference attendance, stipends for undergraduate and/or graduate research assistants, photocopying, the purchase of books, computer hardware, software, and other relevant expenses related to scholarship.

Visit the UMRA website for application instructions and a listing of previously funded projects: umra.umn.edu > Activities > Grants for Retirees > Grant Application Instructions

Applications are to be submitted online by December 14. Approved proposals will be announced in March; the new grants will start on April 1, 2019, and extend to June 30, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].
—Dick Poppele, chair, PDGR Committee
