April 2017 "What's next for Iran-U.S. relations?"

Tue, April 25 2017, 11:30am

Conference Room ABC, Campus Club, Fourth Floor, Coffman Memorial Union

In recent months, U.S.–Iranian relations have become more fraught than ever. Military and economic tensions have risen, and the fate of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the “Iran deal,” has been cast into doubt. Our April luncheon talk—“Iran and the United States: Continuing Tensions and Opportunities”—could not be more timely.

A linguist by training, William O. Beeman is professor and chair of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota. He has spent more than nine of the past 40 years in the Middle East and has also worked in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Japan, China, and South Asia. He is fluent in Persian, Arabic, and Turkish.

Recognized for special expertise in Iranian culture and linguistics, Beeman is the author or editor of more than 100 scholarly articles, 500 opinion pieces, and 14 books on an astoundingly broad range of topics ranging from history, politics, and media to art history, religion, and theater. Among book titles particularly relevant to his UMRA talk are Language, Status and Power in Iran, and The “Great Satan” vs. the “Mad Mullahs”: How the United States and Iran Demonize Each Other.

In addition to Minnesota, Beeman has taught at Brown and, as visiting faculty, at Stanford, the University of Tokyo, and Keio University. He has conducted extensive research in technology and culture, has directed social science research for Brown’s Institute for Research in Information and Society, and has taught business anthropology in conjunction with the University’s Carlson School of Management.

Additionally, he has a passion for music, especially opera. He began singing as part of an extended project in the study of traditional performance, which led to many publications on the voice, emotion, and cognitive sciences—as well as performance in more than 50 opera roles. His forthcoming book, The Meistersingers: Opera Performance in Germany, centers on his experiences as a performer in a leading German opera house. 

Beeman has been a consultant on Middle Eastern affairs to the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the United Nations, and the European Union. He has frequently appeared on international and domestic television and gives generously of his time for talks to academic, government, business, and civic audiences.

In his talk for us, he will review past U.S. dealings with Iran and try to forecast prospects for the future—not an easy task given the uneven start to the Trump administration’s foreign policy, plus the uncertain outcome to the upcoming Iranian presidential elections.

— Chip Peterson, UMRA president-elect and Program Committee chair

Upcoming Events

Event Date: July 15, 2024, at 9:30am

Our July 15 "hike" is going to be a kayaking adventure on Bde Maka Ska (formerly Lake Calhoun) and Lake of the Isles!  If you don't have a kayak (or paddleboard), Wheel Fun Rentals, located next to the new concession stand rents single kayaks at $15 an hour and double kayaks at $25.  The second hour is free if we rent before noon.  Life jackets are provided with the rental.

Event Date: July 19, 2024, at 2pm

Laura Ericksen will lead the discussion of How Stella Learned to Talk by Christina Hunger, a true story by a speech-language pathologist who taught her dog, Stella, to communicate using buttons associated with different words.

Event Date: August 5, 2024, at 9:30am

Our August 5 hike will be a reprise of our hike last summer at William O'Brien State Park.  This is a beautiful park with a winding trail and a great view of the countryside.  The hike is about 5.5 to 6 miles and we'll go at a moderate pace with frequent water breaks.  After the hike, we will eat lunch at Rustic Roots Winery, a half mile north of the park. 

Event Date: August 16, 2024, at 2pm

Kathy Cramer will lead the discussion of The Bookbinder by Pip Williams, a book set in 1914 Oxford chronicling the life of Peggy who works in the University bindery, but craves a life beyond binding books but to being a scholar herself.

Event Date: August 28, 2024, at 5:30pm

Enjoy a two-hour cruise on the Jonathan Padelford, leaving from the Harriet Island dock in St. Paul, boarding time at 5:30 p.m. We will have a brief program on board by Patrick Nunnally from the River Life Program of the Institute on the Environment.

Event Date: August 31, 2024, at 11:59pm

August 31 is the due date for annual reports and updates.  Annual Reports, Toolkits, web page updates, operating document updates and archives collections are all due each year on this date.

Event Date: September 10, 2024, at 10:30am

Autumn is a wonderful season in Minnesota so plan to join UMRA at the Andersen Horticultural Library at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Kristen Mastel, head librarian and curator, will reveal its treasure trove of publications and artifacts relating to plant history, horticulture, and natural history. After the tour, those who are interested may stay to eat lunch together, sitting outside if the weather is nice. Later, you are invited to a one-hour tram tour of the entire Arboretum that includes natural areas of flowering shrubs, bogs, and forests, family garden and landscaping showpieces, and the red barn farm

Event Date: September 10, 2024, at 12:30pm

After a summer break the UMRA Photo Club will next meet September 10, 2024 in the meeting room of the Hennepin County St. Anthony Branch Library. For those interested in lunch, meet at the Great Dragon at 11:30 am. For September the THEME will be Curves

Event Date: September 16, 2024, at 10am

We will continue to discuss the pros and cons of Medicare Advantage.  You will also hear about notable non-health plan and non-broker resources.