Become a Health Consultant Volunteer

Would you like to make a difference in the next generation of health professionals?

Become a Community Teacher/Consultant for student health professionals training at the University of Minnesota!

Volunteers like YOU are needed to help train students in the skills necessary to build successful careers that reflect therapeutic patient-centered and team based care. Meet with a team of students from the Medical School, Schools of Pharmacy and Nursing, and Programs for Occupational Therapy, and Social Work.

Share your life experiences about the healthcare system to help our future professionals develop vital communication skills and interprofessional teamwork principles. Help students understand and foster an appreciation about the value of each profession within a health care community.

Volunteers are asked to meet the following requirements:

  1. 18 years or older
  2. Availability to meet with a team of 3-4 students three times per year (1st interview in Sept/Oct 2016; location to be decided by you and your student team)
  3. Have one chronic medical condition that requires medication
  4. Be willing to share with the student team your perspective and experience navigating through the healthcare system with regards to this chronic condition

First, you will need to submit an online registration form by August 19th, 2016. URVC will provide the link for registration. For more information about this volunteer opportunity please contact the URVC coordinator Gayle Moxness for this project, at [email protected] or call (612) 625-8016. 

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller

Be an active participant in shaping the next generation of our medical community!

All our thanks for your valued service,

URVC Staff (Alan, Sally, Joan, Jeanene & Gayle )

University Retirees Volunteer Center
