A better way to manage your volunteer activities

If you’re looking for a new volunteer activity, or if you’ve already served in a rewarding activity through the University Retiree Volunteers Center (URVC), soon you’ll be able to explore a broad range of opportunities and easily enroll online. Better Impact, URVC’s new volunteer management system, will allow users to explore projects, consider schedules, and sign up online to volunteer.

Users of the Better Impact system will be able to search all the projects currently supported by the URVC or use a filtering option to show only those projects which correspond to their interests. URVC administrative staffers Sally Schakel and Alan Kagan have provided significant input for this exciting transition, by populating the Better Impact site with information about projects seeking volunteers as well as the interest profiles of current URVC volunteers. URVC staff will still be available by phone or email to answer questions and provide other help.

A unique username and secure password will be required to use the Better Impact system, and volunteers will be encouraged to enter or update their interest profiles to indicate the kinds of projects that appeal to them. The volunteer profiles and activity selections provide important guidance to the URVC staff about the kinds of projects to support and promote in the future.

When URVC’s Better Impact rollout is imminent, current URVC volunteers will receive an email with information about how to get started. The rollout is planned for the first quarter of 2019, as soon as user testing is completed.

—John Anderson and Marva Sullivan, URVC
