A buffet of fall volunteer projects

  • Mock Trial Jury at Mitchell-Hamline School of Law: Friday, Dec. 2 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Breakfast and lunch included. Request details of the trial case.
  • Rarig Theater Ushering: God’s Ear by Jenny Schwartz. The play explores the language of contemporary speech in the subject of a family’s issues following the tragedy of a child’s death. Performances are Dec. 3 , 4, and 7 to 11. Usher for one or more dates.
  • Monarch Butterfly assistance: Collect milkweed seeds for the Great River Greening. Start now at locations of your choice.
  • Research Project Participants: (compensation provided)
  • Hearing research needs participants with either normal hearing or with difficulties: “Timing/Rate Coding in the Hearing Impaired.”
  • Brain anti-oxidant research requiring an MRI exam.
  • Fall yard leaf-raking to assist the elderly in Hennepin County. Organized by the Senior Community Services HOME Program. (Raking and bagging leaves for two hours will burn 520 calories.)
  • Partners-In-English: Group conversation with international students – Afternoon groups on Wednesdays at St. Anthony Park Library and Saturdays at Dayton’s Bluff Library (East 7th St., St. Paul). 

Contact [email protected] or call 612-625-8016 for information or to volunteer.
