Call for papers …

… and the papers don’t need to be opinions, ideas, or essays.

UMRA’s open access Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays (JOIE) currently offers 32 widely diverse articles for your reading pleasure. The most recent addition, “College Athletics,” describes the governance of varsity athletics at the University of Minnesota from early, student-led organizations to the Big Ten Conference. Another recent article, “Stormwater Management,” reviews the management of stormwater runoff, from urban rain gardens to municipal bioswales.

We are seeking additional authors to contribute interesting articles on most any subject. 

Articles are intended for a general audience. Submissions are accepted from any member of the University community, active or retired, and are reviewed by the editor-in-chief and an editorial committee of UMRA volunteers.

Please contact JOIE Editor-in-Chief Kris Bettin at [email protected] with your submission proposals or any questions.
