The following article summarizes the original event which is listed below the summary.

Prescription drug market is broken

Fri, August 23 2019, 4pm

At our April forum, Professor Steven Schondelmeyer, a nationally recognized expert on drug pricing, conducted a master class in pharmaceutical economics. In a riveting, data-laden presentation, Schondelmeyer exposed the brokenness of the market for prescription drugs in the U.S. He presented convincing evidence that the market for pharmaceuticals is inefficient and vastly overpriced.

“A drug that one cannot afford is neither safe nor effective,” he said. “We’ve got to do better.”

Schondelmeyer’s basic premise is that prescription drugs are essential to health care and the health of all patients, and that while pharmaceutical companies have done a good job of producing and distributing drugs, they have also engaged in predatory pricing because of their monopolistic control. He asserts there is a lack of regulation and a lack of appropriate market behavior by the U.S. government, which is the largest purchaser of drugs in the world. It does not bargain with the drug companies but simply pays the prices established by them, Schondelmeyer said, because it is not allowed to do so by statute.

Health care is a major market force; it constitutes 18 percent of the U.S. economy. In that massive sector, for every health care premium dollar spent 22.1 cents go to prescription drugs. This is more than any other category including physician services, which gets 22 cents. The amount spent on prescription drugs is the highest single cost driver in the health care market.

Professor Schondelmeyer presented several examples to show that the massive growth in cost for prescription drugs far exceeds the growth in the consumer price index. For example, EpiPen prices increased 623 percent, from $101 to $730, in 11 years, and the price of Humulin, a form of insulin, increased 361 percent, from $187 to $864 per month, in eight years. Schondelmeyer gave several other examples which demonstrate conclusively that the prescription drug market is broken and in need of regulation and reform.

In one of his slides, he compared the excessive cost of various drugs to the cost of a car, a vacation, and a house—his point being that few of us can afford such costs and, eventually, this makes these things unobtainable by the average person.

Schondeleyer is on the faculty in the College of Pharmacy and holds the CMC Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutical Management and Economics. He has testified frequently at both the state and federal level, and was recently appointed by the Minnesota governor and attorney general to a task force that will address lowering and controlling drug prices.

His presentation was both dramatic and illuminating and he was warmly received by the UMRA members attending the forum.

—Bill Donohue, Program Committee chair and president elect




Drugs and their role in U.S. healthcare economics

Fri, August 23 2019, 4pm

West Wing Dining Room, Campus Club, Fourth Floor, Coffman Memorial Union

Stephen Schondelmeyer, Pharm.D., Ph.D., an expert in the practice of pharmaceutical care and its role in the healthcare system, will join us for UMRA’s April forum to talk about the pricing of drugs in the U.S. and his views on the current marketplace. Dr. Schondelmeyer has a unique and extensive background that spans 40 years and includes experience as a pharmacist, clinical practitioner, health services researcher, public policy analyst, administrator, and health and pharmaceutical economist.

A professor in the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Dr. Schondelmeyer holds the CMC Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutical Management and Economics. He is head of the U’s Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems and also serves as director of the PRIME Institute, which focuses on pharmaceutical research related to management and economics.

His research projects have included prescription drug reimbursement under Medicaid, Medicare, and other programs; pharmaceutical prices and patents; and pharmaceutical competition.

As an expert on the cost, pricing, and utilization of pharmaceuticals, Dr. Schondelmeyer has testified for the University, state governments, and the federal government. He is a consultant to the University’s UPlan health benefit program and has been uniquely helpful to the University in setting up and pricing its drug benefit program. His work has allowed the University to be an active leader in this area.

Dr. Schondelmeyer is a much sought-after speaker and “star” academic on pharmaceuticals, their delivery and pricing. He is very data driven and will undoubtedly present the latest statistics and information. He is also a person of strong opinions who will let us know clearly and directly what he thinks. We are lucky to have him at the University and as a speaker.

—Bill Donohue, Program Committee chair and president-elect

Upcoming Events

Event Date: July 15, 2024, at 9:30am

Our July 15 "hike" is going to be a kayaking adventure on Bde Maka Ska (formerly Lake Calhoun) and Lake of the Isles!  If you don't have a kayak (or paddleboard), Wheel Fun Rentals, located next to the new concession stand rents single kayaks at $15 an hour and double kayaks at $25.  The second hour is free if we rent before noon.  Life jackets are provided with the rental.

Event Date: July 19, 2024, at 2pm

Laura Ericksen will lead the discussion of How Stella Learned to Talk by Christina Hunger, a true story by a speech-language pathologist who taught her dog, Stella, to communicate using buttons associated with different words.

Event Date: August 5, 2024, at 9:30am

Our August 5 hike will be a reprise of our hike last summer at William O'Brien State Park.  This is a beautiful park with a winding trail and a great view of the countryside.  The hike is about 5.5 to 6 miles and we'll go at a moderate pace with frequent water breaks.  After the hike, we will eat lunch at Rustic Roots Winery, a half mile north of the park. 

Event Date: August 16, 2024, at 2pm

Kathy Cramer will lead the discussion of The Bookbinder by Pip Williams, a book set in 1914 Oxford chronicling the life of Peggy who works in the University bindery, but craves a life beyond binding books but to being a scholar herself.

Event Date: August 28, 2024, at 5:30pm

Enjoy a two-hour cruise on the Jonathan Padelford, leaving from the Harriet Island dock in St. Paul, boarding time at 5:30 p.m. We will have a brief program on board by Patrick Nunnally from the River Life Program of the Institute on the Environment.

Event Date: August 31, 2024, at 11:59pm

August 31 is the due date for annual reports and updates.  Annual Reports, Toolkits, web page updates, operating document updates and archives collections are all due each year on this date.

Event Date: September 10, 2024, at 10:30am

Autumn is a wonderful season in Minnesota so plan to join UMRA at the Andersen Horticultural Library at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Kristen Mastel, head librarian and curator, will reveal its treasure trove of publications and artifacts relating to plant history, horticulture, and natural history. After the tour, those who are interested may stay to eat lunch together, sitting outside if the weather is nice. Later, you are invited to a one-hour tram tour of the entire Arboretum that includes natural areas of flowering shrubs, bogs, and forests, family garden and landscaping showpieces, and the red barn farm

Event Date: September 10, 2024, at 12:30pm

After a summer break the UMRA Photo Club will next meet September 10, 2024 in the meeting room of the Hennepin County St. Anthony Branch Library. For those interested in lunch, meet at the Great Dragon at 11:30 am. For September the THEME will be Curves

Event Date: September 16, 2024, at 10am

We will continue to discuss the pros and cons of Medicare Advantage.  You will also hear about notable non-health plan and non-broker resources.