Harvey McKay on Volunteering

Volunteer your way to a more balanced life


Years ago, my father sat me down and gave me what was some of the best advice I have ever received. It had nothing to do with making money, but everything to do with getting ahead in the world. It was self-help advice that really focused on helping others.

He told me I would never have any trouble finding opportunities. And he told me that between 20 and 25 percent of my time should be devoted to this pursuit.

“Volunteer,” he said. Not exactly music to the ears of a broke, fresh-out-of-college aspiring millionaire. But as I have come to appreciate, he was dead-on right — AGAIN. Volunteering has made my life so much better, and I suspect that anyone who has become passionate about a cause will tell you the same thing.

People who do volunteer work and help others on a regular basis have a healthier outlook on life. They are inclined to be go-getters, and consistently report being happier and more contented.

It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, a student or a professional, working your way up or at the top of your game. Needs abound wherever you are.

Let me give you a few examples. Bridget is a full-time college student. She works part time, too. She was feeling like she had a full plate until a professor asked for a few volunteers to help tutor elementary school students . Guess what? The former “undecided” major is finishing an education degree . Volunteering helped her discover her passion, while she was helping little kids discover their abilities.

My pal George was looking toward retirement . He had built a great company, was a trusted mentor to dozens of young entrepreneurs and had been very active in his community . He got involved in the development of the local history center and even agreed to be the volunteer director. He’s busier now than ever before. The community is benefiting tremendously from his leadership, but he says he’s really the one reaping the rewards.

If you still think you are too busy to share some time, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you looking for an opportunity to help? Sharing your talents doesn’t diminish them; it often enhances them.
  • Are you interested in learning a new skill? Every organization has a job or two that no one really wants to do — so take on that chore! You will learn something new, but more importantly, you will discover that you can do all kinds of things you never thought you could. What job is usually the hardest to fill? Fundraising. You’ll hone your sales skills while you help a worthy cause.
  • Do you want to make a difference? Volunteer at a place that is desperate for help. You could be the one person who really can make all the difference.

And please remember, volunteering is a privilege. If you think doing good deeds will make you look like a hero, think again. Approach volunteer work as a chance to be useful.

Mackay’s Moral: Don’t just make a living, make a life worth living.

Harvey Mackay is a Minneapolis businessman. Contact him at 612-378-6202 or e-mail [email protected]  .

Reprinted with permission from nationally syndicated columnist Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times #1 bestseller "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive."
