Help wanted: STEM volunteers

The University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) has been a strong supporter of Minnesota STEM programs for many years, with our members volunteering for a wide range of initiatives developed to link youth and families to the domains of science, technology, engineering, and math. Integrated STEM education provides intentionally designed learning experiences for students. And volunteers who assist in STEM events come away from the experience having enjoyed the energy, excitement, and individual successes of the student participants—every bit as much as the kids themselves!

This spring there are two volunteer opportunities available that exemplify how STEM concepts and processes interact across scientific domains and within others, such as language and the arts. The Young Authors Conference comprises four one-day events where students learn that good writing skills are important in life, and are encouraged and challenged to become better writers. During the STEM Career Day events, students work with college instructors and industry professionals during a day spent on a college campus, in interactive breakout sessions in college labs.  

Both opportunities take place during the second half of May and are currently seeking volunteers who love learning—and kids!—to assist. If either or both of these are of interest, please contact URVC at [email protected] or 612-625-8016 for details about times, locations, and specific responsibilities.

—Marva Sullivan, URVC project communicator
