History of intercollegiate sports at the University

You are invited to enjoy the newest article in the UMRA-sponsored Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays (JOIE). The article, on the evolution and control of athletics at the University from the late 1800s through the first 30 years of the 20th century, should be of interest to historians, sports fans, and those of us who enjoy a convoluted story with a dash of drama.

In “College Athletics: Evolution of Structure and Control at the University of Minnesota 1893–1936,” UMRA member Gary Engstrand tells a tale of best intentions, conflicting opinions, and widespread passion for sports, especially football.

When asked what led to his pursuit of the story, Engstrand said, “A colleague at the U of Iowa called me one day in the early 1980s and asked me about the genesis of our Senate athletic committee. I had been working with the committee for several years, in my staff job in the office of University vice president to whom athletics reported. His innocent query sent me deep into the University archives, and one thing led to another, the result of which was this history. It was fun to write.”

For additional articles of interest and instructions for submitting an article to the online, open-access journal, please visit and search for JOIE.

—Kris Bettin, JOIE editor-in-chief
