October 2022 Workshop: Medicare changes and U of M retiree health plans
The first part of UMRA’s 2022 health plan workshop featured representatives from HealthPartners: Barbara Cox, vice president for Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, and Amy Schultz, director of Medicare Programs. They discussed the changes in Medicare provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed by Congress earlier this year. These changes primarily affect drug coverage. They include:
- Medicare will be allowed to negotiate prices for 60 high-priced drugs;
- insulin and vaccine costs will be lowered in 2023;
- drug manufacturers will be required to give inflationary rebates in 2023;
- the “doughnut hole” in Medicare drug coverage will be eliminated in 2025; and
- Part D premium growth will be capped at 6 percent per year, 2024–30.
Individuals may see some reduction in costs due to these changes. However, the changes are subject to legal challenge and congressional action.
The second part of the workshop was a presentation by Katie Kolodge, health and wellbeing consultant with the University’s Office of Human Resources (OHR). She began by describing the things that set U of M retiree plans apart from other, lower-premium plans. These include:
- richer pharmacy coverage;
- lower out-of-pocket costs and plan maximums for care;
- vendors and plans vetted by the University; and
- the convenience of having plans readily available at retirement
For 2023, there are few changes in the U of M plans. Detailed information can be found in the 2023 Benefits Enrollment Guide, by calling OHR at 612-624-8647, and by talking to individual vendors.
Open Enrollment in the University’s plans continues until November 30. Note that this is earlier than the December 15 ending date for general Medicare Open Enrollment.
During University Open Enrollment, those who already have University plans can continue with those plans, switch to other University plans, or leave the University plans. However, if you leave the University’s plans, you cannot return.
—Ron Matross, UMRA president
Medicare changes and your U of M health insurance options for 2023
Tue, October 18, 2022, at 11am
Representatives of Health Partners and the U of M Office of Human Resources
Event to be held via Zoom.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes significant legislation on prescription drug prices. To understand the potential impact on each of us as individuals, UMRA’s October health insurance workshop will feature a discussion of the legislation and what it means for beneficiaries of Medicare.
Our presenters on this topic will be two experts from Minnesota-based HealthPartners, the largest consumer-governed nonprofit health care organization in the country: Barbara Cox, vice president, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, and Amy Schultz, director, Medicare Programs.
Staff from the University of Minnesota Office of Human Resources (OHR) will then present their annual update on the University’s retiree health plans, including how the U of M plans compare to other plans, how to get detailed information on specific plans offered through the University, and how the annual enrollment process works.
Following the presentations, workshop attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions of the HealthPartners and OHR presenters.
The workshop will be a virtual presentation via Zoom webinar from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18. Please register and mark your calendars to attend this important workshop.
Open Enrollment begins November 1.
—Ron Matross, UMRA president
Upcoming Events
Many life challenges that get in the way of quality of life and good health at home have little to do with medical issues. Cathy Lauring, our presenter for UMRA’s February 18 workshop, will explore a variety of resources to assist in keeping us healthy at home—including physical, emotional, cognitive, and financial services.
John Bantle will lead the discussion of A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson when the UMRA book club meets via Zoom on February 21.
Join UMRA members to watch two of the best hockey teams in the nation. UMRA has negotiated a discounted ticket price of $33.
Barbara Klick, RN, MBA, the presenter for UMRA’s February 25 Forum, has decades of experience working in human and veterinary medicine, and will bring her wisdom and perspective to our discussion about what we can learn from our pets about facing end-of-life challenges and decisions.
The Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education, of which UMRA is a member, is offering a three-part series of free webinars exploring the cognitive side of retirement. The series is designed to help attendees clarify their goals and embrace the changes that occur during life’s next chapter.
The Fourth Friday Book Club will meet via Zoom on February 28 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. CST to discuss The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
Join members of the UMRA Hiking Club for a hike on March 3 at the Holland Lake Trailhead in Lebanon Hills Regional Park in Eagan. It is the largest park in the Dakota County park system. Our route will take us on an unpaved trail with some roots, rocks, and easy hills. It will be about 5 miles for 2 to 2.5 hours. We will meet for an optional lunch afterwards somewhere nearby (TBD).
You are invited to the March 5 meeting via Zoom of the Family History Interest Group (FHIG) for presentations by Will Craig and Laura Erickson on researching family history using local and virtual resources.
“Insects” is the theme for the UMRA Photo Club meeting in March, and “Geometrical Forms” is the theme for April. Newcomers are welcome.
Stephanie Daily will lead the discussion of Good Night, Irene by the Mexican-American poet and novelist Luis Alberto Urrea when the UMRA Book Club meets via Zoom on Friday, March 21.
The UMRA Hiking Club will explore wildlife along the Mississippi River in Fort Snelling State Park. The 3.9-mile Pike Island Loop is generally considered an easy route and takes just over an hour. Hikers can leave at that point, or stay to add another short loop. The trail is located below the bluff on which the historic fort sits. The last time we were there we saw a lot of deer, and the river always provides fascinating views.
The UMRA Photo Club will meet at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, in the meeting room of the Hennepin County St. Anthony Branch Library, in the small shopping center at New Brighton and St. Anthony Boulevards.
For those interested in lunch, meet at the Great Dragon at 11:30 a.m.
Theme to be announced.
The University of Minnesota Archives, with its major holdings largely tucked away in two huge underground caverns along the Mississippi River under the West Bank campus, holds the essential records of our University of Minnesota’s past. University Archivist Erik Moore will interpret the holdings and bring out a sampling of what it holds. We will also get a tour of the caverns (Minnesota Library Access Center), revealing where these precious materials are housed, including the original tapes of KUOM, now Radio K.
You are cordially invited to see Rick Huebsch, Associate VP for Research, Technology Commercialization at UMN, who will discuss UMN Technology Commercialization. Tech Comm facilitates the transfer of UMN innovation beyond the research lab, to benefit the public good, foster economic growth, and generate revenue to support the University's mission.
Do you have a box or several albums of old family pictures that you are not quite sure what to do with? Or perhaps you just want to find out more about your ancestors and are not sure where or how to begin. This meeting of the Family history group will be an open discussion.