The following article summarizes the original event which is listed below the summary.

Focused on transforming the MPD culture

Tue, July 21 2020, 12pm

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was the guest speaker for an UMRA forum on July 21. Nearly 150 people attended the Zoom webinar. 

Chief Arradondo had been scheduled for an in-person appearance in April, before our gatherings at the Campus Club had to be cancelled.  

That was also before the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody on May 25. The killing sparked a worldwide uprising against police brutality and racism. It also prompted a number of entities to announce cessation of relations with the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) to the extent possible, including Minneapolis Public Schools, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and the University of Minnesota.   

The Minneapolis City Council has called for radical change to the MPD—using terms like “defund” and “abolish”—and has proposed that an amendment to the City Charter (required to make the change) be placed on the November 2020 ballot for voters.

It would be hard to argue there have been more difficult times for a Minneapolis chief of police. Nevertheless, Chief Arradondo provided an excellent and timely presentation for UMRA. He briefly talked us through the history of the MPD and his own path to becoming the chief.

A Minneapolis native, Arradondo has served the department for 31 years. He is the 53rd Minneapolis police chief and the first African American to hold the position.

Keen understanding

He has a keen understanding of the historic friction between communities of color and the police. He knows this personally and was one of five African American officers who sued and won a verdict against the City for racial discrimination. 

“We know that race and American policing are inextricably linked,” the chief said in referring to the 18-day protest outside the Minneapolis Fourth Precinct police station following the fatal police shooting of Jamar Clark in 2015. 

“We also know, and history has shown, that when elected officials have abdicated their responsibility to deal with some of these social issues, the police, historically, have been the ones—the very face of government, or the first face of government—that people see [trying] to deal with these huge social issues.”

Nevertheless, Arradondo remains an optimist. He took office with a clear goal of transforming the culture of the MPD, reconciling with the community, and thereby improving the quality of life for everyone in the city.

Opponents of the City Council’s proposed change to the City Charter have criticized it as being far too vague as to what would provide for public safety with a greatly diminished or abolished police department. 

A pathway toward a new MPD

For his part, the chief, with community collaboration, is already working on a pathway toward creating a new Minneapolis Police Department (see illustration below). 

One step already taken is the implementation of a new oath of office written by Arradondo. The new oath, using language revised with community participation, reinforces the values and vision the chief has laid out for the department, including intervening against violations of another individual’s rights and upholding the sanctity of life.

I [NAME] do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Minneapolis; that I shall, in recognition of my service as a peace keeper, first do no harm, that I will uphold and safeguard the sanctity of life, and that I will shield and protect my community from those who would seek to cause harm; that I shall intervene in protest, both verbally and physically, if I witness anyone violating another’s rights; that I recognize those I serve are members of the human family worthy of dignity and respect, and my term in office shall be guided by my love of service to the community and the grace of humanity. 

The chief stayed for the full hour of our forum to answer questions from UMRA members.  There were many questions and not enough time for all to be answered. They ranged from basic to very difficult questions about the current environment. He was not defensive and answered all questions to the best of his ability.

Chief Arradondo also expressed his thanks for the opportunity and his willingness to return for a future visit. Hopefully, it will be to update us on the progress of his efforts to root out bias in the MPD and reconcile with the community.

—Greg Hestness, UMRA Board member and retired U of M assistant vice president for public safety and police chief

do no harm chart


Event recording
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Meet Medaria Arradondo, chief, MPD

Tue, July 21 2020, 12pm

Event to be held via Zoom.

Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo is widely believed to be the right person at the right time to lead the Minneapolis Police Department.

What is the job of a present-day urban police chief? As it always was, the chief must monitor, evaluate, and respond to emerging threats to public safety. He or she must provide leadership, management, vision, and discipline to the department. The chief is a member of the city leadership team and a public figure in the community.

Some things have changed in recent decades. The chief must also be familiar with and respond to documented racial disparities in criminal justice. The chief must balance the demands of the many competing constituencies in the city: elected officials, the business community, public schools, all our diverse communities, activists, the police union, and officers of the department.

Please register for this free webinar via z.umn.edu/UMRA-July2020-Forum or the invitation to be emailed to UMRA members on June 18.

Scrutiny of police officers—in the news media, social media, and ubiquitous public cameras—has revealed misconduct locally and nationally. It has also revealed acts of heroism and kindness. Police misconduct anywhere reflects on police officers everywhere.Our speaker on July 21 is Minneapolis Chief of Police Medaria “Rondo” Arradondo. He is widely believed to be the right person at the right time to lead the Minneapolis Police Department.

That said, since Chief Arradondo agreed to speak to UMRA, a citizen has captured images of the arrest and restraint of George Floyd, by Minneapolis police officers, resulting in his death. It sparked the greatest civil unrest in the city since the 1960s.

Calm, visible leadership

Chief Arradondo responded to the murder with calm, visible leadership for both citizens and officers of his department. He has been visible without defensiveness, with transparency, candor, and genuine empathy.

Chief Arradondo is the 53rd chief and the first African American Chief in 150-year history of the Minneapolis Police Department. He is a Minneapolis native who attended Minneapolis Central High School, graduating from Minneapolis Roosevelt.   

A 31-year veteran of MPD, Arradondo has served as a patrol officer in North Minneapolis, a school resource officer, worked in public housing, served as executive officer to Chief Robert Olson, was the head of Internal Affairs, commander of the First Precinct in downtown Minneapolis, and assistant chief before being named chief in 2017.

He holds a bachelor of arts degree from Metropolitan State University in Minneapolis and a master’s from Concordia University in St. Paul. 

Cultural transformation

Chief Arradondo’s mission is to increase community trust in the MPD through cultural transformation. He is pursuing this through increased accountability and transparency, including body-worn cameras, procedural justice, the sanctity of life, implicit bias, and reconciliation training.

Chief Arradondo models the principles he espouses. He is highly accessible to members of his department and the public. This is evident in his willingness to address the July meeting of UMRA. 

We are very fortunate to have him as the chief at this unprecedented moment in time. His mission and objectives could not be more prescient. We look forward to hearing from our accomplished, humble, and transformative Minneapolis police chief. 

—Greg Hestness, UMRA Board member and retired U of M assistant vice president for public safety and police chief

Upcoming Events

Event Date: May 6, 2024, at 9:30am

We are fortunate to have UMRA member and former Minnesota Landscape Arboretum director Peter Moe to lead this approximately 3.7-mile hike at the Arboretum on Monday, May 6. Plan to have lunch together after the hike at the Eatery café inside the Oswald Visitor Center. 

Event Date: May 6, 2024, at 12:45pm

This session will continue the discussion begun in the May 8, 2023 session.  See that article for details.

Event Date: May 14, 2024, at 11am

If you currently live in your own home or apartment, have you looked ahead to when you might want to consider a senior living option? Do you have any idea what those options might be? How much they cost? What they provide? UMRA’s May 14 workshop will provide an overview of the world of senior living and the basic information you need.

Event Date: May 15, 2024, at 10am

You’re invited to join the final Family History Interest Group meeting for 2023–24. This will be an opportunity to ask questions related to family history, share insights, talk about recent projects, and suggest topics for next year. 

Event Date: May 17, 2024, at 2pm

Stephanie Daily will lead the discussion of Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by best-selling author Mary Roach when the UMRA Book Club meets via Zoom at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 17. 

Event Date: May 20, 2024, at 9:30am

The May 20 hike will start at the Historic Lift Bridge in Stillwater and go along the river to the new bridge, cross over and then back on the Wisconsin side, a total of approximately 5 miles. Most of the route is paved. We will eat lunch after at Brian's Bar and Grill in Stillwater.  Car pooling will be available.

Event Date: May 21, 2024, at 10:30am

Climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley joined the U of M faculty in 1978 and has been a weekly commentator on Minnesota Public Radio since 1992. We are honored to welcome him as our guest speaker for UMRA’s May Luncheon Forum and 2024 Annual Meeting. He is always entertaining and informative.

Event Date: May 24, 2024, at 2pm

UMRA’s Fourth Friday Book Club welcomes back, for the second time, author Julie Schumacher, U of M Regents professor of creative writing and English, for a conversation about her novel The Shakespeare Requirement.

Event Date: June 3, 2024, at 9:30am

We are in for a treat on June 3! Lynn Anderson, will lead us on trails at two parks near her Monticello home. Bring a bag lunch and we will gather in Lynn's yard along the Mississippi River for eating and socializing after the hike.

Event Date: June 14, 2024, at 7:10pm

Get out to the ballpark with fellow UMRA members for the annual U of M Day at Target Field as the Minnesota Twins take on the Oakland Athletics on June 14 at 7:10 p.m.

Event Date: June 17, 2024, at 9:30am

Please join us at 9:30 on June 17, 2024 for a walk around Lake Como in St. Paul before attending the UMRA Summer Social and Picnic starting at 11 at the Como Pavilion. A perfect opportunity to get in a walk before we gather to celebrate summer.

Event Date: June 17, 2024, at 11am

Picnic under the covered, open-air Como pavilion, gaze at the water, spy some birds, catch up with friends and former colleagues, and meet new members. We’ll have lunch with plenty of time for visiting and then compete in teams as we are challenged by our Quiz master(s)!

Event Date: June 24, 2024, at 8am

Healthy aging, mindfulness, fighting ageism, and more will be the focus of the third annual Age-Friendly University Day to be held on the U of M Twin Cities campus.