Online journal JOIE continues with new leader

Several years ago Marty Dworkin, emeritus professor of Microbiology and long-time member of the Retirees Association, initiated a new, online, electronic publishing venture titled the Journal of Opinions, Ideas, and Essays (JOIE). Originally lodged on the University’s Digital Conservancy System, JOIE has recently moved to the University Library’s Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing, which houses an array of electronic publishing ventures that are searchable via the Internet.

Now sponsored by UMRA, JOIE is overseen by an Editorial Committee appointed by the UMRA Board of Directors. Last month the UMRA Board named C. (Bud) Clawson, professor emeritus of Pediatrics, as editor in chief of the JOIE project. Bud has published on JOIE and has the breadth of interests and experience essential to the continuing development of the JOIE program.

JOIE is open to submissions of varied content and format from retired and still-employed faculty, P&A, and civil service staff on the Twin Cities and coordinate campuses and is searchable via Google and other web-based systems.

 Additional information concerning JOIE, including a roster of the JOIE Board, a more detailed project description, a list of the program’s publications to date, and instructions for making submissions is available on the JOIE website at:

Visit the JOIE website and consider submitting an article to this new and novel publishing venture.
