September, 2015 Luncheon

Tue, September 22 2015, 11:30am

Campus Club ABC

Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau will be the speaker at the September 22, 2015 UMRA luncheon.

Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau was nominated in 2012 by then Mayor R. T. Rybak and unanimously confimed by the city council to become the 52nd and first female chief of police in the city’s history. She will be the speaker at the UMRA luncheon September 22. Her remarks are titled: “MPD 2.0 Transformational Leadership.”

Chief Harteau joined the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) in 1987 and worked her way through the ranks from her service as a patrol officer in the Phillips neighborhood. In 2006 she was appointed as one of the five regional leaders of the MPD to serve as inspector of the First Precinct, which is downtown Minneapolis. In that role she was a proponent of public/private partnerships to strengthen public safety downtown. Among those partnerships include the creation of an MPD station on Block E and the Downtown Courtwatch program, which won a community policing award from the International Association of the Chiefs of Police (IACP).

In 2010 Harteau was appointed assistant chief, second in command of the MPD. Prior to that promotion, she served as deputy chief of the Patrol Bureau and was responsible for all MPD 911 response personnel and the department’s emergency services.

As MPD chief, Harteau introduced MPD 2.0, which established values and goals to achieve organizational change. In MPD 2.0 the department is envisioned to be “a values-driven department with our core values being commitment, integrity, and transparency.” The department’s key goals are “improving public safety, public trust, and employee engagement and morale” in which results are to be achieved “through creating a culture of accountability.”

Harteau has been recognized for her innovative leadership by the Twin Cities Business Journal and Minnesota Women’s Press. She was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Currently she trains law enforcement leaders nationally and serves on various boards including the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), a national law enforcement think tank based in Washington D.C.; the YWCA of Minneapolis; Youthlink, a non-profi that serves homeless youth; and Cornerhouse, which provides resources for and assesses suspected child sexual abuse victims.

Harteau earned a B.A. in police science and an M.A. in public safety administration from St. Mary’s U. She is a graduate of the Senior Management Institute of Police in Boston and the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety’s Police Staff and Command School where she was a Franklin Kreml Leadership Award winner.

—Kathleen O’Brien, Program Committee

Upcoming Events

Event Date: May 6, 2024, at 9:30am

We are fortunate to have UMRA member and former Minnesota Landscape Arboretum director Peter Moe to lead this approximately 3.7-mile hike at the Arboretum on Monday, May 6. Plan to have lunch together after the hike at the Eatery café inside the Oswald Visitor Center. 

Event Date: May 6, 2024, at 12:45pm

This session will continue the discussion begun in the May 8, 2023 session.  See that article for details.

Event Date: May 14, 2024, at 11am

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Event Date: May 15, 2024, at 10am

You’re invited to join the final Family History Interest Group meeting for 2023–24. This will be an opportunity to ask questions related to family history, share insights, talk about recent projects, and suggest topics for next year. 

Event Date: May 17, 2024, at 2pm

Stephanie Daily will lead the discussion of Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by best-selling author Mary Roach when the UMRA Book Club meets via Zoom at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 17. 

Event Date: May 20, 2024, at 9:30am

The May 20 hike will start at the Historic Lift Bridge in Stillwater and go along the river to the new bridge, cross over and then back on the Wisconsin side, a total of approximately 5 miles. Most of the route is paved. We will eat lunch after at Brian's Bar and Grill in Stillwater.  Car pooling will be available.

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We are in for a treat on June 3! Lynn Anderson, will lead us on trails at two parks near her Monticello home. Bring a bag lunch and we will gather in Lynn's yard along the Mississippi River for eating and socializing after the hike.

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Picnic under the covered, open-air Como pavilion, gaze at the water, spy some birds, catch up with friends and former colleagues, and meet new members. We’ll have lunch with plenty of time for visiting and then compete in teams as we are challenged by our Quiz master(s)!

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