Upcoming Events

Event Date: February 11, 2025, at 12:30pm

"Things that drive me crazy" will be the theme when the UMRA Photo Club meets on February 11. Newcomers are welcome.

Event Date: February 18, 2025, at 11am

Many life challenges that get in the way of quality of life and good health at home have little to do with medical issues. Cathy Lauring, our presenter for UMRA’s February 18 workshop, will explore a variety of resources to assist in keeping us healthy at home—including physical, emotional, cognitive, and financial services.

Event Date: February 21, 2025, at 2pm

John Bantle will lead the discussion of A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson when the UMRA book club meets via Zoom on February 21. 

Event Date: February 22, 2025, at 5pm

Join UMRA members to watch two of the best hockey teams in the nation. UMRA has negotiated a discounted ticket price of $33.

Event Date: February 25, 2025, at 11am

Barbara Klick, RN, MBA, the presenter for UMRA’s February 25 Forum, has decades of experience working in human and veterinary medicine, and will bring her wisdom and perspective to our discussion about what we can learn from our pets about facing end-of-life challenges and decisions.

Event Date: February 28, 2025, at 2pm

The Fourth Friday Book Club will meet via Zoom on February 28 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. CST to discuss The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.

Event Date: March 5, 2025, at 10am

Will Craig discusses using local sources for family history.

Event Date: March 11, 2025, at 12:30pm

Theme to be announced.

Event Date: April 7, 2025, at 9:30am

The UMRA Hiking Club will explore wildlife along the Mississippi River in Fort Snelling State Park. The 3.9-mile Pike Island Loop is generally considered an easy route and takes just over an hour. Hikers can leave at that point, or stay to add another short loop. The trail is located below the bluff on which the historic fort sits.  The last time we were there we saw a lot of deer, and the river always provides fascinating views.

Event Date: April 8, 2025, at 12:30pm

Theme to be announced.

Event Date: April 8, 2025, at 1pm

The University of Minnesota Archives, with its major holdings largely tucked away in two huge underground caverns along the Mississippi River under the West Bank campus, holds the essential records of our University of Minnesota’s past. University Archivist Erik Moore will explain the holdings and role of our extensive university archive and bring out a sampling of what it holds. At the end of our visit, he will conduct a tour of the literally cool caverns (Minnesota Library Access Center), revealing where these precious materials are housed, including the original tapes of KUOM, now Radio K.

Event Date: May 5, 2025, at 10am

Family history open discussion.

The following article summarizes the original event which is listed below the summary.

Korea and Japan: September 2022 Armchair Traveler

September 28, 2022, at 10am

UMRA member Marilyn DeLong has experienced South Korea's rich history through research and outreach with multiple trips over 30 years that began with mentoring a Korean postdoctoral scholar who became a long-time colleague.

Kathy Jensen and Gary Engstrand traveled to Japan with their three adult children in August 2012. 

Event recording
Click on , then    to view recording in full screen.




Travel to South Korea and Japan

Wed, Sep 28, 2022, 10am

Event to be held via Zoom.

Our next Armchair Traveler program will be on Wednesday, September 28, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. via Zoom. An invitation will be emailed to UMRA members a month before the meeting.

Marilyn DeLong, second from right, wore Korean traditional dress to celebrate Chuseok, also known as Korean Thanksgiving, in Seoul in 1991.
Marilyn DeLong, second from right, and other Earthwatch participants from the U.S. wore Korean traditional dress to celebrate Chuseok, also known as Korean Thanksgiving, in Seoul in 1991.

UMRA member Marilyn DeLong has experienced South Korea's rich history through research and outreach with multiple trips over 30 years that began with mentoring a Korean postdoctoral scholar who became a long-time colleague. As a professor in the College of Human Ecology and then in the College of Design, Marilyn conducted continuous Korean projects, from the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul to the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. She will share her knowledge of Korean culture gained through her numerous trips and continuous relationship with her colleague's family of three generations. Marilyn stayed with the family for extended periods and experienced the festivals and ceremonies of traditional Korea.

Kathy Jensen and Gary Engstrand traveled to Japan with their three adult children in August 2012. They will share family photos, stories about culture shock on what was their first (and, so far, only) trip to the Far East, and highlights from the places they visited including Hiroshima, Kyoto, and Tokyo. Kathy worked at the U for 28 years and retired in September 2020 as the director of digital communications for University Relations. Gary worked in administrative positions at the U for 43 years and retired in June 2016.

—Lynn C. Anderson, Armchair Traveler chair