Two new volunteer opportunities

The University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) is seeking volunteers for a spatial localization study at the University and to staff the 2018–19 Lego Robotics Tournament, held at locations throughout the metro area.

Spatial localization is the ability to judge the direction of sounds and sights of objects in the environment. A major goal of the research is to investigate how impairments of vision and hearing impact this ability. Participants may have normal or impaired vision as well as normal or impaired hearing. The study takes approximately two hours. Testing will be done on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in Elliott Hall through November 7 and from November 27 through January 15.

The Lego Robotics Tournament offers a very different opportunity. Judges, referees, and scoring coordinators are needed for the First Lego League (grades 4–9) and the First Tech Challenge (grades 7–12) events. Tournaments begin November 10 and continue through February 23. Onsite training will be provided for non-technical roles.

If either of these options appeals to your desire to be helpful, contact URVC at [email protected] or call 612-625-8016.

—John Anderson, chair, URVC board
