U of M Day of Service Spring 2022

Organized annually by the University of Minnesota Alumni Association (UMAA), U of M Day of Service is an opportunity for alumni and friends of the University to participate in community service. In light of today’s unusual times, UMAA is expanding this year’s event from a single day to the full month of April. UMRA is participating, for the first time, by helping to recruit volunteers.

Most volunteer opportunities require just two hours per day, and it’s easy to find an organization and time that work for you. Just go to umnalumni.org/dosregister to find Minnesota, national, and international locations for volunteering.

Independent projects
If you prefer to participate in an individual volunteer activity, you may add your own, independent project. Volunteering is not restricted to the organizations and dates listed by UMAA. Select any day or days in April and register your independent activity. 

“Independent projects are hands down one of the most popular ways people participate in Day of Service,” says Kablia Thao, UMAA associate VP of engagement. Whatever you choose, please note your affiliation with the University of Minnesota Retirees Association when you register so UMAA can track how many people and hours UMRA provides. 

This is a great opportunity to volunteer for something you care about, while getting a little extra credit for the University of Minnesota and for UMRA.

—Will Craig, UMRA Communication & Outreach Committee member and UMAA liaison
