The following article summarizes the original event which is listed below the summary.

A master class on the 2020 elections

Tue, November 24 2020, 12pm

A map from The New York Times showing the current partisan divide in the United States by population density.

All-star election analyst Kathryn Pearson, PhD, spoke to the Retirees Association for our November Forum via Zoom. As she has done on previous occasions, she gave a riveting explanation of the November elections and the many trends indicated for the United States and Minnesota. 

Pearson, an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and highly sought-after election analyst, provided a comprehensive examination of the elections which she dramatically illustrated with slides. 

The presidential election attracted a record turnout of more than 150 million voters or 66.4 percent of eligible voters. Pearson noted that incumbents typically win these elections; of 31 presidential elections, the incumbents have won 20. Thus, the election was notable both for the level of interest and the result.

Pearson characterized the election as a referendum on Trump’s presidency. She noted that the coronavirus was raging in the country and most people (56.6 percent) did not approve of the president’s handling of the crisis. Additionally, his overall approval rating never exceeded 50 percent throughout his presidency and was only 45 percent at the time of the election. 

Despite the record turnout and winning some 74 million votes, Trump lost to Biden who received some 80 million votes—an Electoral College win of 306 to 232. 

Professor Pearson noted that 94 percent of Democrats and 93 percent of Republicans voted for their candidate, but Biden won self-identified independents 54 to 40 percent. The racial breakdown was stark: Trump won white voters 58 to 41 and Biden won nonwhite voters 71 to 26. Biden’s largest advantage was among Black women (90-9) and Black men (79-19).

“Horse race” polling

Pearson noted that the polls had again gotten the election wrong. They underestimated support for Trump. She said the polling errors may simply reflect people’s unwillingness to talk with poll takers and the prevalence of partisan response, coupled with the unprecedented voting turn out. 

Pearson encouraged people to not rely on “horse race” polling but rather to use polling to discern trends in the country and the policy preferences of people.

There was much more, including a robust discussion of the Electoral College and whether it should continue. 

Our thanks to Professor Pearson for a master class on the 2020 elections.

—Bill Donohue, UMRA past president (2019–20)

Event recording
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Event slides



Understanding the 2020 elections

Tue, November 24 2020, 12pm
Kathryn Pearson
Associate Professor
U of M Department of Political Science

Event to be held via Zoom.

The Retirees Association is pleased to welcome Kathryn Pearson, PhD, from the Department of Political Science as our forum speaker for November. An associate professor well known for her incisive analysis of elections at both the federal and state level, Dr. Pearson is an in-demand speaker. She will present her review of the presidential and other elections which will take place on November 3. We are lucky to have her and excited to hear from her again. 

Please register to join this Zoom webinar on November 24 starting at 12 noon.

A specialist in American politics, Pearson will help us understand the outcome and implications of the 2020 elections. The campaigns have been tumultuous and laden with conflict never before seen in U.S. politics. While elections are often characterized as the most important election of our lifetimes, this one may actually fill the bill. 

Diametrically opposed

The presidential candidates present dramatically different personalities, and their visions for our country are diametrically opposed. The contest reflects a division in the country that may affect how we continue to operate as a democracy. 

Professor Pearson joined the University of Minnesota faculty in 2004 and is a distinguished scholar whose research focuses on the United States Congress, congressional elections, political parties, and women in politics. Her research has been published in The Journal of Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, and Politics & Gender. Her book titled Party Discipline in the House of Representatives was published in 2015 by the University of Michigan Press. She is a recipient of the Morse Alumni Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. 

Professor Pearson received her doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley and her BA cum laude from Claremont McKenna College. This will be her third presidential election analysis for UMRA (following 2008 and 2012). Please join me in welcoming her back. 

—Bill Donohue, past president

Upcoming Events

Event Date: July 15, 2024, at 9:30am

Our July 15 "hike" is going to be a kayaking adventure on Bde Maka Ska (formerly Lake Calhoun) and Lake of the Isles!  If you don't have a kayak (or paddleboard), Wheel Fun Rentals, located next to the new concession stand rents single kayaks at $15 an hour and double kayaks at $25.  The second hour is free if we rent before noon.  Life jackets are provided with the rental.

Event Date: July 19, 2024, at 2pm

Laura Ericksen will lead the discussion of How Stella Learned to Talk by Christina Hunger, a true story by a speech-language pathologist who taught her dog, Stella, to communicate using buttons associated with different words.

Event Date: August 5, 2024, at 9:30am

Our August 5 hike will be a reprise of our hike last summer at William O'Brien State Park.  This is a beautiful park with a winding trail and a great view of the countryside.  The hike is about 5.5 to 6 miles and we'll go at a moderate pace with frequent water breaks.  After the hike, we will eat lunch at Rustic Roots Winery, a half mile north of the park. 

Event Date: August 16, 2024, at 2pm

Kathy Cramer will lead the discussion of The Bookbinder by Pip Williams, a book set in 1914 Oxford chronicling the life of Peggy who works in the University bindery, but craves a life beyond binding books but to being a scholar herself.

Event Date: August 28, 2024, at 5:30pm

Enjoy a two-hour cruise on the Jonathan Padelford, leaving from the Harriet Island dock in St. Paul, boarding time at 5:30 p.m. We will have a brief program on board by Patrick Nunnally from the River Life Program of the Institute on the Environment.

Event Date: August 31, 2024, at 11:59pm

August 31 is the due date for annual reports and updates.  Annual Reports, Toolkits, web page updates, operating document updates and archives collections are all due each year on this date.

Event Date: September 10, 2024, at 10:30am

Autumn is a wonderful season in Minnesota so plan to join UMRA at the Andersen Horticultural Library at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Kristen Mastel, head librarian and curator, will reveal its treasure trove of publications and artifacts relating to plant history, horticulture, and natural history. After the tour, those who are interested may stay to eat lunch together, sitting outside if the weather is nice. Later, you are invited to a one-hour tram tour of the entire Arboretum that includes natural areas of flowering shrubs, bogs, and forests, family garden and landscaping showpieces, and the red barn farm

Event Date: September 10, 2024, at 12:30pm

After a summer break the UMRA Photo Club will next meet September 10, 2024 in the meeting room of the Hennepin County St. Anthony Branch Library. For those interested in lunch, meet at the Great Dragon at 11:30 am. For September the THEME will be Curves

Event Date: September 16, 2024, at 10am

We will continue to discuss the pros and cons of Medicare Advantage.  You will also hear about notable non-health plan and non-broker resources.