URVC leadership transition

After 20 years of dedicated and extensive involvement as University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) office manager and project director, Alan Kagan has stepped down from his leadership role to complete writing the book he has been working on for several years. The URVC Board of Directors is taking steps to ensure as smooth a leadership transition as possible.

Eric Hockert will coordinate the transition, ensuring effective communication among the volunteer office staff. Two new volunteer staff members will assume much of the workload. Marcia Radvin will identify suitable projects, communicate with project coordinators, and compile information about these projects, and Marva Sullivan will prepare project announcements for distribution to the pool of potential volunteers. Sally Schakel, Joan Mitchell, Gwen Moxness, Jeanene Noll, Pat Tollefson, and a work-study student will continue their office and coordination tasks.

This transition period is unusually complicated because the URVC board and staff are in the midst of plans to launch a software management program. The software will give volunteers digital access to current information about projects together with the opportunity to sign up online. The launch date will depend upon how soon the necessary information is entered and the system has been adequately tested.
—John Anderson, chair, URVC board
