URVC makes volunteering easy

Are you curious about how you can give back by volunteering? The University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) is dedicated to connecting University retirees to opportunities for volunteering. Learn about these projects through the URVC’s volunteer management system, Better Impact.  

To get connected, click on the Get Started tab at the top of the URVC website homepage. That will take you to the Get Started page, where you will find instructions and a link to the Better Impact Application Form, where you'll enter a username and password of your own choosing. After your application is processed, you'll be able to log in to a directory of volunteer opportunities and sign up online for those that appeal to you.

As new volunteer opportunities become available, URVC will email you information about projects that are most likely to appeal to you. Matching of projects with your interests depends on your informing URVC what kind of volunteering you would like to do.  

To provide this information, click on the Better Impact Link [look for the link in the Better Impact Quick Guide], log in to MyVolunteerPage, and use the pulldown menu under the My Profile tab at the top of the page to record your contact information, qualifications, interests, and more.

URVC encourages you to explore a variety of volunteer opportunities and trusts you will find something that matches your interest—or stimulates a new one!

—John Anderson, chair, and Eric Hockert, vice chair, URVC Board of Directors
