URVC Volunteers - Take Phone Pledges for KBEM Jazz 88 Radio

Volunteers needed to answer phones and take pledges for KBEM – The Jazz 88 Radio Station’s Fall Pledge Drive.

Location: North High School: 1555 James Ave. No., Minneapolis

Friday, September 30th
7  - 9am; 
 9am – noon; 
  3 – 7pm; 7 – 10pm
Saturday, October 1st
3 – 7pm; 7 – 10pm
Sunday October 2nd
wide open (create your shift)

Monday, October 3rd
7 – 9am;   noon - 3pm; 
 3 – 7pm; 7 - 10pm
Tuesday, October 4th
7 – 9am;
  noon - 3pm; 
 3 – 7pm; 7 - 10pm    
 Wednesday, October 5th
7 – 9am;   noon - 3pm; 
 3 – 7pm; 7 - 10pm
Thursday, October 6th
7 – 9am; 9am – noon; noon - 3pm; 3 – 7pm; 7 - 10pm
Friday, October 7th
7 – 9am; 9 - noon; noon - 3pm; 
 3 – 7pm; 7 - 10pm
Saturday, October 8th
9am - noon; 3 – 7pm; 7 – 10pm

To volunteer contact University Retirees Volunteer Center with date and time preference. [email protected]  OR CALL 612-625-8016.
