Volunteer to Assist a Professional Chef

Having previously announced OPEN ARMS as a volunteer project for working in a “state of the art kitchen” to provide meals for the needy, I was disappointed there was an absence of enthusiastic response on your part. BUT THEN: 

March 14, this Star Tribune article grabbed my attention: “Food-focused nonprofits cater to the tastes of socially conscious.” Open Arms is one of three nonprofits that is engaged in a catering business at its Minneapolis headquarters in the Phillips neighborhood. Classically trained chefs, with the assistance of volunteers, prepare meals from locally sourced products. (Open Arms has its own urban farms and planting has now started.) “Food is Medicine” project prepares 11,000 meals weekly for people with life-threatening or chronic illness.

Does this energize you to make your contribution as a kitchen volunteer under the guidance of professional chefs? Or, would you deliver meals to clients? Or, how about taking the role of a farmer and work the urban gardens?

A volunteer application and an in-person orientation is required.
The next orientation dates are:
Tues., May 9 @ 5 – 7pm
Wed., May 10 @ 11:30 – 1:30pm
Wed., May 31 @ 11:30 – 1:30pm

Contact the University Retirees Volunteer Center for an online link to register as a volunteer and schedule the orientation.

[email protected]  (612-625-8016)

Alan L. Kagan, Prof. Emeritus, Ethnomusicology
Project Director
