Volunteer for mock trials at Mitchell Hamline

Volunteer for mock trials at Mitchell Hamline School of Law

Rather than students conducting these mock trials, it is lawyers who are present for legal advocacy training and will try the case. With the merger of William Mitchell College of Law and Hamline School of Law, their mock trials continue to be held at the Mitchell College location at 875 Summit Avenue in St. Paul. The same case will be tried both days by different lawyers. You may volunteer if you have previously heard this case!

Dates and time: September 13 and 14, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Case: Darngood vs. Landers and PUDS (a car accident)

Synopsis: This lawsuit arises out of a traffic accident that occurred on December 23 in the pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Seventh Street and Smith Avenue in Nita City. The plaintiff, Helen Darngood, was struck by a Picket-Up Delivery Services van driven by the defendant, Mel Landers. A negligence action has been brought by Helen Darngood against Mel Landers and Picket-Up Delivery Services.

Your involvement and feedback are a very important part of our legal education system because you help train lawyers to better serve the needs of their clients. You deliberate on a verdict, announce the verdict, and spend time with the judge and lawyers to offer constructive critique.

The trials are 5 to 6 hours long and will begin at 8:30 a.m. A light breakfast will be available at 8:00. Jurors will have a morning and an afternoon break. A light lunch (usually pizza and salad) will also be provided and will last approximately 30 minutes. Dress for jurors is casual.

Parking: College parking lot at Summit and Victoria : https://mitchellhamline.edu/life/maps-of-campus/ 

To Volunteer: Email [email protected] or phone the URVC office at 612-625-8016. We will register you with the Mock Jury Coordinator at Mitchell Hamline School of Law. Select the day you wish to attend and provide a phone # for contact.

Thank you for your valuable service,
Alan Kagan and Sally Schakel, project directors
University Retirees Volunteer Center
