Volunteer Ushering at Rarig Theater in the Stoll Thrust Stage, Shakespeare in April

Cymbeline, King of Britain is based on legends of the ancient Celtic King during the Roman occupation. Shakespeare concocted a wonderfully complex play with subplots galore. Princes stolen at birth, a secretly married daughter, a wife more cruel than Lady Macbeth, a sinister Iago-type villain, and a maiden disguised as a boy confound the imagination. At its heart the play has a political theme overlaid with romance and intrigue. The play will be directed by Doug Scholz-Carlson.

­The Winter’s Tale begins with the delightful renewal of the childhood friendship of two men, now kings of Bohemia and Sicilia. However, their fond relationship turns violent over misunderstandings and suspicion. Accusations of infidelity and resultant insanity proceed from this and generate the further complexities of the story across a sixteen year period involving the kings’ children and friends. This play is to be directed by Steve Cardamone.

You may volunteer to usher for one or more performances, perhaps with spouse or friend. Contact [email protected] (or call 612-625-8016) to be registered for ushering. Specify the date you wish. Our policy is “First to Respond, First Served.” If the phone line is busy or if you call after office hours just leave a message. We will mail a free parking coupon when you register.

Cymbeline            Thurs.,  April 6 -  6:30pm Usher arrival;  7:30 performance

Winter’s Tale        Friday,  April 7 – 6:30pm Usher arrival;  7:30 performance

Winter’s Tale       Sat.,       April 8 – 1 pm Usher arrival;       2 pm performance

Cymbeline           Sat.,       April 8 – 6:30pm Usher arrival;  7:30 performance

Cymbeline          Sunday, April 9 -   1 pm Usher arrival;       2 pm performance

Winter’s Tale      Sunday, April 9 –  6:30pm Usher arrival;  7:30 performance

Winter’s Tale      Mon.,   April 10 –  6:30pm Usher arrival;  7:30 performance

Cymbeline            Tues.,   April 11 -  6:30pm Usher arrival;    7:30 performance

Rarig Theater: There is no formal dress code for theater ushers. Ushers report to the box office 1 hour prior to show time for an assignment and review of responsibilities (ticket taking or handing programs).

Parking: Use the ramp at 21st Ave. So. &  4th St. So. across from Rarig Theater.

NOTE:   The University has a machine parking ticket system.

When you commit to ushering assignments we will mail you a parking coupon for each event. This will give you free parking. If there is no attendant you will take a ticket from the machine upon entering and use both that and the coupon upon exiting. If there is an attendant you will exchange the coupon for an exit ticket. Do not forget or misplace these coupons. Each is worth $6 for 4 hours use.

If you accept an ushering assignment at the “last minute” there is not time to mail you the parking coupon. In that event, park and then get a coupon from the house manager. In case you must cancel, email Preston Bradsher <[email protected]> & URVC.

Upon making your selection(s) call us at  612- 625- 8016 or e-mail to [email protected].  Our policy is “First Called, First Served.” If the phone line is busy or after office hours just leave a message.

Thank you for your valued service

