Volunteer your way to a more balanced life

Did you read Harvey Mackay’s article “Volunteer your way to a more balanced life” in the Star Tribune, April 18? I don’t usually read the Business Section but my wife (the financier in the family) brought it to my attention (as the volunteer promoter in the family). Frankly, I did not expect this to be a topic advanced by a CEO and author of “Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.” He has experienced volunteering and its values. He makes the same sensible arguments for having a volunteer activity to enhance one’s life that I have preached. “People who do volunteer work and help others on a regular basis have a healthier outlook on life. They are inclined to be go-getters, and consistently report being happier and more contented. . . . And please remember, volunteering is a privilege.”  Mr. McKay's article follows this one.

You are retired, but are still on that escalator to accomplishment, as I am (one more book to crown the career). When approached to volunteer for a worthy project, so many offer the justification, “I am still engaged in my research, etc.” That’s fine – it is important to maintain intellectual curiosity and the disciplinary fruition of a career. Yet, this is also the time in life to make new discoveries, or to serve the other’s needs with your skills and faculties. I am endeavoring to provide a wide range of volunteer opportunities to engage the diverse interests our UMRA community has. Examples for this summer: Fringe Festival ticket office or ushers; Organic Garden planting & harvesting on St. Paul campus; Neighborhood food distribution; Tutoring; Special Olympics monitors. And, here is a future project for 2017-19: Peace Corps for Seniors!

We are here to facilitate your volunteer ideas.

Alan L. Kagan, Prof. Emeritus, Ethnomusicology

Project Director [email protected]

University Retirees Volunteer Center
