Keeping up with the U of M regents
Driven by Americans’ loss of trust in its value, U.S. higher education now faces major decisions that will shape the future of learning, research, and community service everywhere. Many say institutional transformation is long overdue. Our University, its Board of Regents, and new president also face these challenges, plus some unique to the U’s role as Minnesota’s only top-tier “R1” research university. How can UMRA help?
As UMRA’s liaison to the Board, I discussed this in March with then-UMRA President Eric Hockert, his successor Julie Sweitzer, and UMRA Past President Frank Cerra. We agreed that reinvigorating the role of UMRA’s regents’ liaison would be a good start. We drafted its purpose: “… to help the regents and UMRA build a mutually useful and effective relationship through regular contact and communication.” We then met with regents and staff who expressed their strong support.
The regents recognize that UMRA can provide helpful input as a group and as individuals. Our key asset? We are engaged “University citizens” with decades of experience at every level of this great institution, and we want to keep it great for future generations. To do our best begins with being well informed. Here are a couple ways to help you become familiar with current issues:
Board of Regents meetings are open to the public. You can find video recordings, dockets, materials, and priorities online on the at
MPact 2025 is the University’s system-wide strategic plan. Go to M Pact 2025 to read all about it.
The next Regents’ meetings are September 12–13. President Cunningham’s inauguration will be at Northrop Auditorium on September 18. Go to Office of the President for information about ticketing and streaming links.
Feel free to contact me at any time. Your questions, comments, ideas are welcome!
—John Finnegan, UMRA liaison to the Board of Regents
If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for president-elect or a position on the UMRA Board of Directors, please contact one of the eight members of UMRA’s 2025 Nominating Committee.
Meet Michael Luxenberg, the new co-leader of the UMRA Hiking Club. A retired data analyst and entrepreneur, he met his wife, UMRA member and Professor Emerita Joan Garfield, when both were grad students at the U of M and rode the campus bus from Minneapolis to St. Paul.
Former President Jimmy Carter’s version of “retirement” was remarkable. What if all U of M retirees started the new year stepping up our efforts to make the world better?
The UMRA-sponsored Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays has added three videos to its online collection of original publications by UMRA members.