2023-09 From the President: A path to happiness

From the President


2023-09: A path to happiness

There are many paths to happiness. Examples include positive social relationships, service to others, and physical and intellectual exercise. I invite you to take part in some or all of what UMRA has to offer to help you lead a more fulfilling and happy life. 

Our in-person forums, interest groups, and social events provide opportunities to connect with others. The University of Minnesota Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) provides opportunities to give back to others, at the University and in the community. Our hiking, photo, and book clubs are a wonderful way to get that exercise we all want and need. These and more offerings are available to you as an UMRA member. 

There are many people who have worked to create the vibrant organization we have today. In particular, I’d like to thank Past President Ron Matross for his leadership, his idea for the Silver Gopher Service Corps that URVC implemented, and the many other things he did to move UMRA forward. I’d also like to thank the members of the Program Committee, the Host Team, and our Zoom webinar moderators and production team for all their work to make our in-person and online forums and workshops a success this past year. 

During my seven years since retiring from the University, I’ve taken part in many UMRA activities. I’ve also seen the great work done by our many volunteers. These include President-elect and Program Committee Chair Julie Sweitzer, Treasurer Kristy Frost-Griep, Secretary Laurie Coffin Koch, URVC Council Chair Jerry Rinehart, and many others. 

A force for good

I plan to build on the foundation developed by my predecessors to increase the engagement of our 800-plus members in UMRA’s many activities, and to increase UMRA’s engagement with the University. Our membership represents more than 25,000 years of combined work experience! That’s a force for much good in the world. I’ll share my thoughts on ways we can do this over the next several months.  

I joined UMRA because a friend—John Anderson, an active UMRA member and past president—cared enough to invite me. I have found and developed many new friendships during my seven years in UMRA and URVC. Every new friend has improved my life, and I hope I’ve contributed in some small way to improving theirs. 

I ask you to care enough about a University retiree friend to invite them and their spouse or partner to join UMRA. It will help you and it will help them. It helped me.

—Eric Hockert, UMRA president, [email protected]