2024-02 From the President: We’re living longer—now what?

From the President


2024-02: We’re living longer—now what?

Not everyone retires at 65 anymore, and not everyone retires instantly to full-time retirement. According to a Washington Post article published in the Star Tribune on January 1, “Americans 65 and older are playing a larger role in the labor force, shifting the composition of U.S. workers and reflecting a new reality where retirement has become a more gradual process for many.”

Longer lives mean many of us can continue to contribute for a longer time to causes and groups that are important to us—for example, the University of Minnesota. 

In past articles I’ve discussed ways to engage with fellow UMRA members, with the University, and with our communities. Equally important, I think, is how we engage with ourselves in our current stage of life, when we may have more freedom to do the things that create personal meaning. 

This may include staying connected to family, friends, and colleagues. It may involve volunteer activities to support the causes and organizations that are important to us. It may also involve staying active through paid work in a new career area. 

I believe a meaningful life comes from the meaning we create for ourselves. I also believe the purpose of life is to live it fully. These are within the control of each of us. 

I encourage you to create meaning and purpose in the ways that are best for you. UMRA may have activities and opportunities that you might find useful for these. I hope so.

—Eric Hockert, UMRA president