Past "From the President" articles
From the President
2024-05: Thank you to everyone
It’s been a great year, and I’d like to recognize and thank all of you for being a part of our community of retirees and all of our leaders who provided activities and support for our 900-plus members. I started preparing a list of all UMRA leaders to thank, but quickly realized we have 73 leadership roles filled by 40 people and there would not be enough space in this article to name each one. However, please know that your fellow UMRA friends and I thank you for all the work and time you’ve contributed this past year. I hope to thank each of you in person the next time we’re together.
From successful volunteer activities to well-attended special events, luncheons, and webinars; from our communication teams to our special interest groups to our committees—all have been important for providing positive interaction with each other, with the University, and with the outside world. We’ve done all this while staying a fiscally responsible and growing organization. In fact, of our current 927 members, 202 new members were added in the previous 12 months.
This past year, we’ve added or increased engagements with the University and our community through faculty retirement panel discussions; connections to the University of Minnesota Women’s Club; a broadened Board of Regents liaison role; initial efforts to reach out to other University campuses; active participation in the international Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education, the Big Ten Retirees Association, and the Age-Friendly University Council at the U; and substantial efforts directed toward providing assistance and guidance in the University’s email transition for retirees.
I thoroughly enjoyed this past year as UMRA president and wish I could continue but, alas, we have term limits. It’s been a great pleasure to work with both Past President Ron Matross and President-elect and Program Committee Chair Julie Sweitzer. Thanks, Ron, for continuing the tradition of great leadership. And thanks, Julie, for working together with me on many worthwhile UMRA projects; we’re all grateful for your dedication to UMRA and for your presidential term starting July 1!