Event Summary

All Event Summary articles are collected here.

How not to sound old

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RESCHEDULED. A weakening voice can impact one’s ability to thrive in later years. The good news is, there are things we can do to build and maintain our vocal strength, as we will learn in this workshop with Peter Watson, PhD, from the U of M Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. 

Peter Watson, PhD

The future of policing in Minneapolis

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What does a community need to be safe? Why didn’t many prior attempts at police reform prevent what we witnessed on May 25? We’ll hear from UMRA member Greg Hestness, who, following 28 years of service with the Minneapolis Police Department, served as the U’s AVP of public safety and chief of police.

Greg Hestness

The University in a new era

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The University is facing a projected $166 million budget shortfall. How will it fare during this crisis? What further challenges lie ahead? Myron Frans, the U's senior VP for finance and operations, will offer answers to these and other questions for UMRA’s February 2021 Forum. 

Myron Frans

Book notes | One Hundred Years of Solitude

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The UMRA Book Club discussed One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez at its January meeting. It was a difficult read for some.


Minnesota is an Age-Friendly University

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Rajean Moone, PhD, will be joined by UMRA member Lynn C. Anderson for a presentation on what joining the AFU Global Network will mean in terms of exciting new opportunities at the U for lifelong learners, retirees, and older adults.

Rajean Moone

Making choices to be active, healthy, and well

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Our Living Well Workshop for January, the month when people traditionally head back to the gym, will focus on building physical fitness and activity into our lives, an especially challenging task in a pandemic winter. 

Lisa Lemler

Building and documenting family trees

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The UMRA Family History group met via Zoom on December 2 for a presentation by Lynn C. Anderson and Craig Swan on building and documenting family trees using Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org.

Family trees

Overwhelming and wonderful

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Interwoven with exquisite descriptions of the countryside, Christy Lefteri’s novel about the Syrian Civil War draws readers into the bombed city of Aleppo and the agonizing decisions families facing war must make.


How to preserve and share family history

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Lynn C. Anderson and Craig Swan offered a presentation on preserving and sharing family history to UMRA members during a well-attended and well-received Zoom meeting in early October.


Crisis in youth mental health

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Psychiatrist Kaz Nelson, MD, will explore and help us understand today’s mental health crisis in our youth and how it is impacting families across our state and country.

Kaz J. Nelson

UMRA health plan options for open enrollment

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Medica Chief Medical Officer John Mach, MD, will be among the presenters for UMRA's October workshop focused on U of M retiree health plan options for 2021. Open enrollment begins November 1. 

John Mach

Time for a radical re-thinking of age

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With people living longer than ever before, the post-retirement stage of life can be almost as long as the working years. In this workshop, Lucy Rose Fischer, author of I’m New at Being Old, and her husband, Mark Fischer, will show how these years can be the best time of our lives.

Lucy Rose Fischer

UMRA A.M | The quest for a vaccine

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Timothy Schacker, MD, an infectious disease specialist at the U of M Medical School, will talk about the multifaceted approach that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent COVID-19, and he will highlight the current efforts underway to develop, test, and distribute a vaccine that can help to free us from the grip of the coronavirus pandemic.

Timothy Schacker, MD

Understanding the 2020 elections

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In her third presidential election debrief for UMRA, Kathryn Pearson, PhD, an associate professor of political science well known for her incisive analysis of elections at both the federal and state level, will help us to understand the outcome and implications of the 2020 elections.

Kathryn Pearson

Sentimental but timely

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In this sentimental but timely story, the lives of three characters in a small Missouri town merge as they help each other overcome personal loss and hardships.
