
All Events articles are collected here.

Valuable resource: Minnesota Gerontological Society

Event Date:

Have you visited a friend or family member in hospice care? Do you have questions about the pallative care provided? On September 20 at noon, the Minnesota Gerontological Society (MGS) will offer a free Webinar on the subject of hospice. Register on the organization's website (


Photo Club meets on September 12

Event Date:

1 to 3 p.m. at the St. Anthony branch of the Hennepin County Library. The library is located in the small shopping center at New Brighton and St. Anthony Boulevards in Saint Anthony. Contact Sheri Goldsmith May, [email protected] for more information.


UMRA Photo Club meets May 12

Event Date:

The Photo Club welcomes photographers of all abilities.  Most of us are struggling amateurs who like to take pictures and want to get better. We benefit from the kind and supportive help we get from each other. The next meeting will be held at the Washburn Library, 5344 Lyndale Ave. South in Minneapolis from 1 to 3 p.m. on Friday, May 12.


Photo Club meets April 14

Event Date:

The UMRA Photo Club will meet Friday, April 14, 1 to 3 p.m. at the St. Anthony branch of the Hennepin County Library, in the small shopping center at New Brighton and St. Anthony Boulevards. Come at noon for lunch at the Great Dragon Buffet across the parking lot from the library (ask for the senior discount).

UMRA Photo Club members enjoy a Great Dragon lunch before their monthly meeting, this one March 10, 2017

April 2017 Come early and socialize before the luncheon

Event Date:

You are invited to meet and greet friends in the comfortable surroundings of the Campus Club lounge. Beginning in March, the Campus Club has opened its bar–lounge, just down the hall from our ABC luncheon room, for UMRA members to have coffee and visit before the luncheons.

Come early, beat the rush, and enjoy catching up with friends and acquaintances. Coffee is served at 10 a.m.  There is no charge and no need to RSVP.  Just let us know if you like this opportunity, and if we should continue this next year.

— Donna Peterson, UMRA President [email protected]


Using the Lightroom program for photos

Event Date:

Dick Kain continued his demonstrations on using Lightroom. If you were not able to make this meeting, good books and web-based videos talk about how to use Lightroom.


Welcome reception and orientation for new members

Event Date:

Recently joined members of UMRA are invited to the Welcome New Members Reception in the Campus Club Lounge, from 10 to 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday, October 25. (You are considered a new member for this reception if you joined UMRA since November 1 of 2015.) 


URVC Volunteers -- Red Cross Run for Blood

Event Date:


A Red Cross Fund-Raiser

Saturday, July 23 @ Lake Calhoun (Field Area/ south of the lake)
We need Early Risers ! Volunteer Check-In is 6 AM ! 
(Please say: “Yes I am. Count me in.”)
VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: (Sign-in at Volunteer Check-in Tent)
To sign up for an activity reply to [email protected] or 612-625-8016


May meeting includes annual election

Event Date:

During the business portion of the May 24 meeting, members will elect next year’s UMRA leadership. The Board of Directors presents the following for your approval:
For Officers:
President:  Donna Peterson (will automatically move from her current position as President-elect to President)
President-elect: Chip Peterson
Secretary:         Sherilyn Goldsmith May
Treasurer          Carl Adams

For Board of Directors:
Kathleen O’Brien— for second three-year term, Martha Feda, ,Judy Leahy Grimes Cherie Hamilton, Gerald Rinehart


Photo Club plans a photo shoot in May

Event Date:

Our May photo shoot will be at the Minneapolis Farmers Market on Saturday, May 21.  We should meet at 9 am at Tollefson's stand at the northwestern most point of the market, corner of East Lyndale North and Cesar Chavez Ave. 

There is good parking right across Lyndale under the freeway as well as a couple of other lots. 


Mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting

Event Date:

May 24—Annual business meeting and election; gala luncheon; speaker will be Peter Moe, director of Operations and Research, University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum



Photo Club members learn together

Event Date:

The UMRA Photo Club is made up of photographers of all abilities. We benefit from the kind help we get from one another. This month we will meet on Friday, February 25, from 1 to 3 p.m., in our usual spot at the St. Anthony Branch of the Hennepin County Library.


Photo Club meets November 20

Event Date:

To observe the holidays, the UMRA Photo Club, which had begun fall meetings on the fourth Fridays, will change their meeting dates in November and December to the third


November meeting NOT 4th Tuesday!

Event Date:

UMRA will hold its regular monthly meeting a week earlier than you might have expected.  This is due to the 4th Tuesday being so close to the Thanksgiving Holiday.  We will meet 1 week earlier, on November 17th at the usual place and time.


2015 Welcome reception for new members

Event Date:

Recently received members of UMRA are invited to the Welcome New Members Reception in the Campus Club Lounge, from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 27, prior to the luncheon.
