UMRA Cares

All UMRA Cares articles are collected here.

Need a ride to an UMRA meeting?

The recent survey of UMRA members found several comments about problems in transportation: members not involved with UMRA due to an inability to drive due to medical issues, age, metro traffic congestion, etc. Our intrepid community researchers quickly found 12 transportation options for senior non-drivers, and we would like to hear if you have had experience (positive or negative) with such services.


“From the Bookshelf” needs your input

For the past year or so, the UMRA Cares committee has taken responsibility for the “Bookshelf” column which printed recommendations from UMRA members on interesting reading. If you found a book that you want to recommend to others, please take a moment and share your discoveries with us.


Announcing "Care Guide" Training

Dr. Robert Kane has offered to train a group of UMRA members to be “Care Guides.” Nine UMRA members have volunteered to learn about decision making and the options and resour­ces available through the Center on Aging. After training is completed, these volunteers will be available to any UMRA member who seeks help about health care decisions.
