
All News articles are collected here.

2016 Nominating Committee invites participation

The Nominating Committee has begun to solicit names for officers and board members for 2016–17. In 2016–17 President Jean Kinsey will become the immediate past president, and the president-elect, Donna Peterson, will automatically become the president of UMRA. A new president elect will be nominated. The secretary and treasurer are elected each year and can be re-elected. There are four vacancies on the Board of Directors, each for a 3-year term.



Research says 'Make walking a social activity'

Do you have a hard time adhering to a daily exercise routine? Consider joining an outdoor walking group. You’ll be less likely to quit and may see a dramatic improvement in your overall health—including cognitive well-being, says a British review.


Spring luncheon schedule

Mark your calendars for UMRA’s spring luncheon meetings; plan to attend to hear Lori Sturdevant, Massoud Amin, Peter Moe.


Do you have friends who are retiring soon?

Be sure to talk to them about joining UMRA. Check with Membership Committee Chair John Anderson, ander049@, if you want an UMRA brochure to show them.


2016 Nominating Committee invites participation

The Nominating Committee is eager to receive suggestions for persons to consider for several important positions. If you are willing to help us fill these needs, we would appreciate hearing from you. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, we would welcome your contacting one of the Nominating Committee members by e-mail.


Volunteer to Tutor with URVC

One of the most valuable gifts you can deliver is the tutoring so greatly needed by children, teens, and immigrants. The university Retirees Volunteer Center can facilitate your connection with programs for all ages and in all parts of the twin Cities. [email protected]


Exclusive!-a message for women only

It’s not meant to be a secret, but we have learned that many UMRA women do not know about the University of Min­nesota Women’s Club, said Shirley Holt at a recent gather­ing. “It’s time for us to spread the word about the UMWC,” said Van Linck, member of UMWC and an UMRA leader.

This is a dynamic women’s organization, and it is a natural activity for retirees, although membership is open to all ages. 


PDGR awards to be announced in March

The Offie of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) reported that we received 12 applications for the Professional Development Grants for Retirees by the December 15 deadline. Awards will be announced by March 1, 2016. 


Photo Club plans April 26 Workshop

Photo Club members are busy planning to present an April workshop for UMRA members, and they are very interested in any questions you might have about photography. Please send your questions to Sheri Goldsmith May, [email protected], or Craig Swan, [email protected].


Faculty & Staff can keep lifetime email

Retirees, both Faculty and Staff, retain lifetime access to their U of M Google accounts as long as they access them at least once every 3 months.  “Google Account End of Life Policies,”, states:  “The retiree will retain lifetime access to the account.”


Civic Engagement: An offer we can't refuse

Do you skip over the monthly URVC article when you see the “V” word? Are there more important matters than the needs of our community—or your own well-being? When we participate, we are engaged. We not only become inti­mate partners with those who use our skills, we become re­vitalized, mentally alert, psychologically uplifted, physically strengthened. You will live a fuller and longer life!


Grants program continues for seventh year

The seventh cycle of grants to help retirees pursue projects related to their scholarship has been funded by Provost Karen Hanson and UMRA. All faculty members, profes­sional and administrative and civil service retirees from the Twin Cities and coordinate campuses of the University are eligible to apply for the grants (up to $5,000).  The deadline for applications is December 15, 2015. 


Members asked to approve Bylaw revisions November 2015

UMRA bylaw revisions will be presented to the members for their approval at the November luncheon meeting.


Announcing "Care Guide" Training

Dr. Robert Kane has offered to train a group of UMRA members to be “Care Guides.” Nine UMRA members have volunteered to learn about decision making and the options and resour­ces available through the Center on Aging. After training is completed, these volunteers will be available to any UMRA member who seeks help about health care decisions.


2015-10 Progress report of online journal JOIE

Work is going forward to re-launch the new online journal JOIE (Journal of Opinions, Ideas, and Essays) sponsored by UMRA and the University Library.

Articles approved by JOIE’s original editor, Marty Dworkin, will soon appear as volume one of JOIE.
