
All News articles are collected here.

Parking reservations available for UMRA luncheons

Combine your reservation for the UMRA luncheon with a reservation for parking and ensure your parking space. Plan to arrive between 10 a.m. and noon. Pay when exiting, and use parking coupons as usual.


Parking reservations available for UMRA luncheons

Combine your reservation for the UMRA luncheon with a reservation for parking and ensure your parking space. Plan to arrive between 10 a.m. and noon. Pay when exiting, and use parking coupons as usual.


Reach out with your personal invitation

The most effective way to recruit new members to UMRA is for current members to extend a personal invitation to colleagues they know have retired or are about to retire. Pick up an UMRA brochure to support your invitation at the next luncheon meeting.  


Professional Development Grants for Retirees- a program worthy of your support

Do you have a scholarly project you would like to finish with the support of a small grant? Or a new project you would like to start? Then you might want to consider applying for a grant from the Professional Development Grants for Retirees (PDGR) program.


Care Guide program is suspended

Care Guides are a small group of volunteers who were trained by the late Dr. Robert Kane, director of the U of M Center on Aging. The guides were started to assist UMRA members in locating resources to manage unexpected long or short hospital stays or the challenges of providing caregiving to family members with serious health problems. 


URVC celebrates 30th anniversary

Congratulations to the University Retirees Volunteer Center (URVC) as they celebrate 30 years of service this year. Beginning as an UMRA committee, URVC has grown and is now a national model for other universities. Last year, 325 URVC volunteers logged an all-time high of 9,640 hours. URVC invites UMRA members to volunteer for rewarding, fulfilling experiences in giving back or paying it forward.


Three honored with 'Service to UMRA' awards in May

This year the executive committee awarded three awards for Service to UMRA. All three of the awardees have served UMRA for many years in demanding positions, which required steady and consistent leadership. All three are leaving their respective positions this year. With thanks, we recognize them for helping to making UMRA the successful organization that it is.


Help Wanted: Cares Committee seeks new members

UMRA Cares Committee seeks new members to assist workshop development and important communication work. Those of you who’ve experienced the Cares Committee’s outreach at a time of serious illness or loss know the important role filled by these caring members.

To volunteer, all Ron Anderson, Cares Committee Chair at 612-963-6660 or email him at [email protected]


Curious about how UMRA was started?

University Archives contains many UMRA documents. One of the earliest was created with one of the most common tools of the trade of the early 1980's. The 22 page, typewritten (remember those?) pdf document can be found in the article.


Voter Registration Volunteers Needed

Neighborhood House / Wellstone Foundation is initiating a voter registration opportunity in tandem with its Mass Produce Distribution events in an effort to promote community resources when residents congregate. Here is a chance to contribute to higher voter turnout and foster the democratic process.


Tactile Acuity Research For Aging Piano Players

The purpose of this study is to determine whether you, a piano player, have not had a decline in your sense of touch. Your participation is welcomed if you are between ages 55 to 75 AND have been a long-term piano player.


Red Cross Front Desk Support

The Minneapolis Red Cross main office – 1201 West River Parkway – (near the Guthrie) serves many functions of this valuable service organization. The position requires a regular 3 – 4 hour weekly shift. 


Therapy Research for Post-Stroke

If you experienced a stroke in the past seven years, consider volunteering to participate in a research therapy project.


UMRA members can help the University of Minnesota with a Call to Action

As you may have seen in our newsletter and on this website, the UMRA board is collaborating with the university’s office of Government Relations and the U of MN Alumni Association to gain support for the 2017 legislative funding request. This is a CRITICAL TIME and YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW! Click on the following link from the Office of Government Relations to see more about the status of the budget recommendations and what you can do to contact your legislators:


UMRA Care Guide assistance suspended

UMRA Care Guides are not available until further notice. With the recent death of Dr. Robert Kane, Care Guides no longer have their mentor and supervisor available. The Care Guides have decided to stay together and will be  discussing future activities, pending new supervision.

— Earl Nolting, chair, UMRA Cares Committee
