
All News articles are collected here.

Online journal JOIE continues with new leader

The Journal of Opinions, Ideas, and Essays (JOIE) is open to submissions of varied content and format from retired and still-employed faculty, P&A, and civil service staff on the Twin Cities and coordinate campuses and is searchable via Google and other web-based systems.


From the URVC: Nature projects await volunteers

Spring is in the air! This is a great time to give thought to engaging with the environment. Yes, if we are still in our homes, we look forward to cutting back raspberry canes, planting gardens for the lovely flowers and vegetables that will spring forth, and mowing lawns. But, many are in apartments and need the exercise and to use our nature skills. What to do?


Make a difference—Share the vision

Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Karen Hanson spoke at the UMRA Luncheon in February; she described the development of the Grand Challenges Research Strategies, designed to build clusters of cross-disciplinary researchers to attack really big world problems.


Shall we dance?

Have you heard of the Faculty Dancing Club?  Although it was primarily for faculty members at the University of Minnesota, it now is also open to non-faculty members. There is one more dance this spring — on April 30. The typical charge is $80 per couple, which includes dinner. There is a cash bar.


Nominating Committee is at work

By the next Newsletter the Nominating Committee expects to report its recommendations for 2016-17: four Board members, the Secretary, Treasurer, and the President-elect.


Information for future retirees

UMRA made contact with 188 attendees at the pre-retirement seminars, March 1 and 10, sponsored by the Office of Human Resources. Each was emailed an electronic copy of the “UMRA Retirement Kit," which has active web links to a variety of topics of interest to retirees.  You can download your own copy.


2016-2017 PDGR Awards

A committee of retirees, appointed by Frances Lawrenz, Associate Vice President of Research, reviewed and recommended 11 of 12 applications for Professional Development Grants for Retirees. On March 1, the Office of the Vice President for Research announced the recipients for the 2016-2017 Professional Development Grant for Retirees. 


Parking on campus can be a vexing issue! Why and how to minimize difficulties

Members have reported special parking challenges this year that have thwarted their attempts to attend the winter luncheons. The membership committee has done some research and offers an explanation. Although many of our members are now finding that the Green line light rail also works very well in getting to Coffman, there is a way to park on campus and stay dry and warm in spite of the weather...and that is the Gopher way! Admittedly, the Gopher way is probably not the most direct route to your destination and may require use of stairs and/or elevators to access different levels of some routes, but the signage should help you find your way. 


2016 Nominating Committee invites participation

The Nominating Committee has begun to solicit names for officers and board members for 2016–17. In 2016–17 President Jean Kinsey will become the immediate past president, and the president-elect, Donna Peterson, will automatically become the president of UMRA. A new president elect will be nominated. The secretary and treasurer are elected each year and can be re-elected. There are four vacancies on the Board of Directors, each for a 3-year term.



Research says 'Make walking a social activity'

Do you have a hard time adhering to a daily exercise routine? Consider joining an outdoor walking group. You’ll be less likely to quit and may see a dramatic improvement in your overall health—including cognitive well-being, says a British review.


Spring luncheon schedule

Mark your calendars for UMRA’s spring luncheon meetings; plan to attend to hear Lori Sturdevant, Massoud Amin, Peter Moe.


Do you have friends who are retiring soon?

Be sure to talk to them about joining UMRA. Check with Membership Committee Chair John Anderson, ander049@, if you want an UMRA brochure to show them.


2016 Nominating Committee invites participation

The Nominating Committee is eager to receive suggestions for persons to consider for several important positions. If you are willing to help us fill these needs, we would appreciate hearing from you. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, we would welcome your contacting one of the Nominating Committee members by e-mail.


Volunteer to Tutor with URVC

One of the most valuable gifts you can deliver is the tutoring so greatly needed by children, teens, and immigrants. The university Retirees Volunteer Center can facilitate your connection with programs for all ages and in all parts of the twin Cities. [email protected]


Exclusive!-a message for women only

It’s not meant to be a secret, but we have learned that many UMRA women do not know about the University of Min­nesota Women’s Club, said Shirley Holt at a recent gather­ing. “It’s time for us to spread the word about the UMWC,” said Van Linck, member of UMWC and an UMRA leader.

This is a dynamic women’s organization, and it is a natural activity for retirees, although membership is open to all ages. 
