Service and Outreach

All Service and Outreach articles are collected here.

Become a Health Consultant Volunteer

Volunteer to act as a team teaching consultant for students from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy and Social Work. More consultants are needed who have a diagnosed medical problem and are taking a prescribed medication.  Registration deadline is August 19.  If interested in volunteering respond to <[email protected]>



URVC Volunteers -- Red Cross Run for Blood

RUN FOR BLOOD – URVC VOLUNTEERS—A Red Cross Fund-Raiser. Saturday, July 23 @ Lake Calhoun (Field Area/ south of the lake).


Volunteer to Distribute Produce

Join Neighborhood House / Wellstone Foundation for a meaningful, direct-service opportunity.  Volunteers will work outside at one of four St. Paul locations helping to distribute up to 15,000 pounds of fresh fruit, vegetables, and other vital food items directly to families in need.


Volunteer your way to a more balanced life

People who do volunteer work and help others on a regular basis have a healthier outlook on life. They are inclined to be go-getters, and consistently report being happier and more contented. . . . And please remember, volunteering is a privilege.”  Mr. McKay's article follows this one. - Alan Kagan, URVC Project Director [email protected]


Harvey McKay on Volunteering

Years ago, my father sat me down and gave me what was some of the best advice I have ever received. “Volunteer,” he said.


From the URVC: Nature projects await volunteers

Spring is in the air! This is a great time to give thought to engaging with the environment. Yes, if we are still in our homes, we look forward to cutting back raspberry canes, planting gardens for the lovely flowers and vegetables that will spring forth, and mowing lawns. But, many are in apartments and need the exercise and to use our nature skills. What to do?


2016-2017 PDGR Awards

A committee of retirees, appointed by Frances Lawrenz, Associate Vice President of Research, reviewed and recommended 11 of 12 applications for Professional Development Grants for Retirees. On March 1, the Office of the Vice President for Research announced the recipients for the 2016-2017 Professional Development Grant for Retirees. 


PDGR awards to be announced in March

The Offie of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) reported that we received 12 applications for the Professional Development Grants for Retirees by the December 15 deadline. Awards will be announced by March 1, 2016. 


Civic Engagement: An offer we can't refuse

Do you skip over the monthly URVC article when you see the “V” word? Are there more important matters than the needs of our community—or your own well-being? When we participate, we are engaged. We not only become inti­mate partners with those who use our skills, we become re­vitalized, mentally alert, psychologically uplifted, physically strengthened. You will live a fuller and longer life!


Grants program continues for seventh year

The seventh cycle of grants to help retirees pursue projects related to their scholarship has been funded by Provost Karen Hanson and UMRA. All faculty members, profes­sional and administrative and civil service retirees from the Twin Cities and coordinate campuses of the University are eligible to apply for the grants (up to $5,000).  The deadline for applications is December 15, 2015. 


Announcing "Care Guide" Training

Dr. Robert Kane has offered to train a group of UMRA members to be “Care Guides.” Nine UMRA members have volunteered to learn about decision making and the options and resour­ces available through the Center on Aging. After training is completed, these volunteers will be available to any UMRA member who seeks help about health care decisions.


2016-17 Professional Development Grants Call for Proposals

The 2016-2017 Professional Development Grant Program for Retirees is now available and calling for grant proposals; Deadline December 15, 2015.

This, the seventh cycle of grants to help retirees pursue projects related to their scholarship has been announced by the Office of the Vice President for Research and UMRA. The guidelines for applying were sent to UMRA members via e-mail and are available at 2015-rfgp.pdf.


2015-2016 PDGR Abstracts

In February 2015, a committee of retirees appointed by Associate Vice President Frances Lawrenz met to review the 23 applications for Professional Development Grants for Retirees. The committee recommended 13 applications for funding. Vice President for Research, Brian Herman, announced the awards.


2014-2015 PDGR Abstracts

On February 26, 2014, a committee of eight UMRA members, appointed by Associate Vice President Frances Lawrenz, met to review the 14 applications for the sixth cycle of Professional Development Grants for Retirees.


2014-2015 PDGR Awards

A committee of retirees, appointed by Frances Lawrenz, Associate Vice President for Research, reviewed and recommended 12 of the 14 applications for Professional Development Grants for Retirees in February. Brian Herman, Vice President for Research, recently announced the grant recipients.
