Service and Outreach

All Service and Outreach articles are collected here.

Tutors needed at Murray Middle School

Murray Middle School provides an intentional intervention program called the “Pilot One-on-One Program” for at-risk students who are academically challenged. The program, now in its ninth year, focuses on students that typically do not have strong home support and are often living in crisis.


Apply for Professional Development Grants for Retirees before December 16th deadline

The Offie of the Provost, Offie of the Vice President for Research, and the U of M Retirees Association have small grants (up to $5,000) to help retirees pursue projects related to their scholarly and/or creative interests. All U of M faculty, P&A, and civil service retirees are eligible to apply, including employees retiring by July, 1, 2017.


University Clinical Research Study Participants (Male Only !)

MRI – Brain Antioxidents Study: Stage 3 needs Men for Control Group (Age 65 – 89). Stage 3 does NOT include those who were previous subjects or who have Alzheimer Disease . Read on for more information on this study, or contact [email protected] or 612-625-8016 


Future City Competition needs Volunteer Mentors for: “The Power of Public Space”

The Power of Public Space is the theme for a middle school engineering program for a regional competition sponsored by Success Beyond the Classroom. The University Retirees Volunteer Center seeks technical professionals to be mentors. You would meet a student team at a middle school weekly until January, providing advice, guidance, and technical assistance.



2016-2017 PDGR Abstracts

On February 25, 2016, a committee of retirees, appointed by Frances Lawrenz, Associate Vice President of Research, reviewed and recommended 11 of 12 applications for Professional Development Grants for Retirees.  On March 1, Brian Herman, Vice President for Research, announced the recipients for the 2016-2017 Professional Development Grant for Retirees.


Care Guides are asking for your experiences in navigating health care issues

The Care Guides want to discuss a new initiative in which they could assist UMRA members with health concerns not restricted to long-term care. They plan to meet in October with Professor Bob Kane, director of the Center on Aging, to plan for this new Care Guide role.

UMRA Care Guides continue to be available for consultation on a health care emergency. To speak to a Care Guide, call the Center on Aging, 612-624-1185.


A buffet of fall volunteer projects

The University Retirees Volunteer Center’s guiding principle is to provide a diversity of opportunities to meet the wide range of your interests. Here is a selection for the current season. Contact [email protected] for more information and your registration.


Help the Cares Committee start a new book group

Here is a list of some new interesting books published this year on health and aging. Check your local library or bookseller for these references. After your read, please send us a one- or two-paragraph summary along with the author, title, and publisher to share with UMRA members.


Pursue your scholarly interests with this UMRA grant application opportunity

You are invited to submit an application for a Professional Development Grant for Retirees (PDGR) to pursue your scholarly interests.

The deadline for submitting an application for the 2017–2018 grant is December 15, 2016. See Activities / Grants for Retirees.


Volunteer Ambassadors / Greeters at Northrop

Here are opportunities to attend lectures, performances, and discussions on a wide range of topics while serving as greeter at Northrop Auditorium for the I.A.S. "Thursday at 3:30" Series. The Institute of Advanced Studies offers events in the newly redesigned Northrop Auditorium. These "Thursday" series are held in the 2nd floor Crosby Seminar Room, 240 Northrop.


URVC Volunteers - Take Phone Pledges for KBEM Jazz 88 Radio

Volunteers needed to answer phones and take pledges for KBEM – The Jazz 88 Radio Station’s Fall Pledge Drive.


Need a ride to an UMRA meeting?

The recent survey of UMRA members found several comments about problems in transportation: members not involved with UMRA due to an inability to drive due to medical issues, age, metro traffic congestion, etc. Our intrepid community researchers quickly found 12 transportation options for senior non-drivers, and we would like to hear if you have had experience (positive or negative) with such services.


“From the Bookshelf” needs your input

For the past year or so, the UMRA Cares committee has taken responsibility for the “Bookshelf” column which printed recommendations from UMRA members on interesting reading. If you found a book that you want to recommend to others, please take a moment and share your discoveries with us.


Emeritus faculty, staff can support programs for international students and scholars

As U retirees we have much to offer...are you holding it in reserve for just the right opportunity? Can this be it?  The International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) will be greeting 1,800 new international students, undergrad and graduate, to the University in September. You have likely received Vice President Meredith McQuaid’s statement about the services the University provides to these students, and scholars who will visit the University during the year.  We need more facilitators for these projects. Contact URVC at [email protected] to explore your interests.


St Paul Bike Classic

The Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour seeks volunteers to help in many ways to facilitate the event which occurs on Sunday, September 11.  Please contact the URVC at [email protected] to indicate how you would like to volunteer to help.
