
All News articles are collected here.

OLLI offers free online ‘At-the-U’ lecture series

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is offering a free, online lecture series this spring to showcase work and research taking place at the U, with topics ranging from cancer treatment to awesome apples and design in everyday objects.

OLLI logo

Spring volunteer opportunities in the community and on the Twin Cities campus

Working with Great River Greening, the Silver Gopher Service Corps is recruiting volunteers to photograph plants, insects, and critters and then crowdsource species identification with the iNaturalist app.

Silver Gopher Service Corps logo

Help support UMRA programs and activities

UMRA members now have two convenient online giving options for making donations to support UMRA programs and activities.


Program Committee wants feedback

UMRA runs on volunteers. The Program Committee is a great way to have an impact with a very reasonable time commitment. 


Nominations sought for UMRA officers and directors

The Nominating Committee invites you to contribute to UMRA by volunteering to run for election to serve on UMRA’s Board of Directors or by nominating someone else who would add value and perspective to our organization.

UMRA business card, front only

Dale Lange

I have developed a special interest in my seventh great grandfather, Michael Pierce… Putting together the pieces of Michael’s life has been an interesting journey, even if at times complicated and confusing. I have learned to evaluate sources that tell different stories and cannot agree on what one might think are basic facts like when and where someone was born. I have learned to accept and live with these and other ambiguities.


Presidential search

UMRA sent a letter to the University of Minnesota Board of Regents on January 9, urging them to be keenly aware of the overwhelming challenges the new University president will face and the immense range of skills they’ll require. An abbreviated version of the letter was published on the letters-to-the-editor page of the Star Tribune on January 25.

Regents seal

UMN email update

Attention UMRA members who use a UMN email account and internet ID. In early January, you should have received an email from the Office of Information Technology stating “… your University of Minnesota email and Google Workspace account will be closed on Saturday, December 7, 2024.”  See the announcement for this event.  

Google Workspace, UMN email graphic

Hello, my name is Brad Clary

Meet UMRA member Bradley G. Clary, emeritus clinical professor of law, Distinguished University Teacher, and tae kwon do black belt.

Brad Clary, emeritus clinical professor of law and Distinguished University Teacher, UMN

JOIE wants your opinions, ideas, and essays

If you have an article you’ve written, or would like to write, but haven’t found a place for publication, UMRA’s online Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays may be just the right place for you. 


UMRA’s Silver Gopher Service Corps welcomes you

If you’re one of the 200-plus new members who joined UMRA in the past two years and are looking for ways to meet people and give back to the community, consider volunteering with UMRA’s Silver Gopher Service Corps.

Silver Gopher Service Corps logo

UMRA dues will increase in 2024

UMRA provides an engaging array of learning opportunities and social events to make UMRA membership a great value. But, like everyone, we’re feeling the effects of inflation and paying more for everything we buy.

Inflation graphic

Hello, my name is Alice A. Larson

Meet UMRA member and Professor Emeritus Alice Larson, and take note of what she has to say about the importance of “creative muscle” as we age. 

Alice Larson, head and shoulders

Help wanted: Nominating Committee members

As UMRA’s immediate past president, it’s my job to chair this year’s Nominating Committee to recommend nominations for our next president-elect/Program Committee chair and open positions on the UMRA Board of Directors. Might you be interested in serving on the committee, or being a candidate?

UMRA: Engaging the future

Andy Phelan enjoys keeping his mind active during tax season

For the past six years, UMRA member Andrew “Andy” Phelan has been part of the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide team of volunteers that provides free tax assistance and preparation service to millions of taxpayers throughout the United States. 

Andy Phelan, URVC volunteer